Title: Motor Skills
Based on: You're Under Arrest! OVA/TV
Rating: Slapstick violence (duh).
Type: Humor; 100 words.
NOTES: This is somewhat OOC for Miyuki, but she did try to use a TASER on Natsumi in the
You're Under Arrest! © Kodansha / TBS / KSS Films / AnimEigo.
Natsumi stuck her head out the door, and was rewarded for her optimism by a wrench to the face.
Being Natsumi, the blow didn't even faze her. She tossed the wrench into an open toolbox, and kneeled behind a motorcycle, next to a dirty, disheveled, and extremely frustrated Miyuki.
"Haven't found the problem yet?" Natsumi asked.
Miyuki held her face in her hands. "I've torn down and rebuilt this engine twice..."
Natsumi leaned over the motorcycle. "Uh... Miyuki?..."
"What," Miyuki said flatly.
"The gas tank is empty," Natsumi said nervously.
She fled the scene before Miyuki could draw a weapon.