Title: the space between dream and reality
Series: Kodomo no Omocha
Rating: PG
Word Count: 150
Notes: This is also for
30_kisses (akito/sana).
It is theirs.
The way she kisses, like jagged, dangerous rocks falling over cliffs, that if he's not careful, she'll bleed, he'll bleed, is like all other things she does, like running, hazardous, boisterous, like talking, loud, soft. Theirs.
Kiss monster, she calls him, but he knows the truth; she cuts him the way a diamond cuts through rock, with blood in your hands, but he'll never tell her that, because breaking the hearts of little girls is too easy. Broken little girls are no fun, no fun at all. He knows. He's broken her before.
She is stronger than he thinks, and he is stronger than she thinks, but she doesn't care, because it's not important. Then what is?
Sometime between a rough dream and an even harsher reality is this, this small little infinite precious fleeting moment. For that fraction of eternity, it is all that they have.