[OOC: Application repost]

Dec 06, 2008 15:32

In-Character Information
Name : Apachai (Hitmonlee)
Game/Series: Pokemon
Age & Grade Level: 16 (sophomore)

Personality: Apachai has a broad range of emotions, but is really only in one of two states at any given time: blissfully playful, or dangerously violent-- thankfully, the latter one does not come up very often. He is almost always very agreeable, and although he does not speak English very well, Apachai enjoys meeting new people and making new friends (especially if it means someone new to play games with). He is prone to worrying about anyone he knows, and has the habit of trying to hang around inconspicuously to make sure nobody gets in trouble, although he is quite bad at not being seen.

Although he tries very hard not to hurt anyone, Apachai does not understand the concept of "going easy" on someone, so sparring or even picking a fight with him can be very dangerous, given his strength. But he is not easily provoked, since his child-like naivety combined with his less-than-stellar grasp of English often leaves would-be taunters scratching their heads in confusion.

Apachai practices his martial arts every day, and is always striving to learn new moves, and new styles. He believes it is the best way to become stronger, and getting stronger is almost as important to him as playing board games with his friends.

Backstory: An egg was once produced from two trainers' pokemon at a Fighting gym, and was given to a trainer who defeated the gym's leader, as was the code of honor at fighting gyms back in the day. When the egg hatched into a Tyrogue, the trainer (whose name was Hopachai Rama) was pleased to have found another Fighting Pokemon, and trained him with the same discipline and ferocity with which he trained his two other Pokemon, a Machoke and a Hariyama. Hopachai believed that Pokemon could be trained to fight with more than just a handful of set moves, and that teaching them human styles of combat would not only make them stronger, but also give them more insight into the nature of both humans and Pokemon.

As Hopachai and his pokemon travelled and trained, the Tyrogue learned a few basic combat styles, karate and jujitsu mostly, to build up his muscles, reflexes, and sharpen up his wits and movements. Hopachai trained all his Pokemon extremely hard, because the best path to self-improvement was to set difficult goals for one's self. However, since this was the first time he was raising a Pokemon from birth, Hopachai decided that it would also be a good idea to show Tyrogue that not ALL of life is training, and so spent many a practice break teaching the little Pokemon how to play simple card games, and just generally how to have fun once in a while.

The Tyrogue spent many years with Hopachai, learning more about martial arts and travelling all over the world in search of new challenges and, occasionally, new people to play games with. But Hopachai knew that even he could not help Pokemon achieve their full potential all on his own, and every year, he would challenge one of his pokemon to spar. If they could defeat him, he would set them free, and let them discover their own path in life. It was a sad day when Machoke was finally strong enough to hold his own against his trainer: with a firm stance, and a straight face, Hopachai gave him the name Sakaki, and told him that true strength would only come if he could live up to his own name. Machoke, now Sakaki, kept as serious a face as he walked away, and Tyrogue cried softly with Hariyama, almost fearing the day when he might become stronger than his trainer.

This day did come eventually, although it was not soon: a few more years of hard training followed, and Tyrogue forgot about such existensial problems in the rush of his daily regimen. But one day, during training with another Pokemon Hopachai had caught during his travels, a small but peppy Croagunk, Tyrogue suddenly found himself evolving in the middle of a sparring match. Hopachai rushed over as soon as he realized what was happening, and when he arrived, a Hitmonlee had replaced the tiny fighter which had accompanied him for so long. Eager to see how this change would affect his Pokemon's style, he challenged Hitmonlee to a simple spar, just to test his abilities. However, within 30 seconds it became clear that the new body was much more powerful, a direct translation from all the strength training Hitmonlee had done in his previous form. After six quick kicks, Hopachai was flat on his back, having taken two straight to the face.

This sudden victory brought up feelings in Hitmonlee which had been long forgotten, because he knew this meant he would have to leave soon, and he did not wish to part with those with which he had become so close in his lifetime. Hopachai knew this Pokemon was a somewhat sentimental one, and decided he would let this one go gently. He told Hitmonlee that before he had to leave, he wanted to teach him a form of martial arts which would allow the Pokemon to take the most advantage of his new body, something known collectively as Muay Thai. He spent a single month showing Hitmonlee how to perform as many moves as possible, and helping him perfect as many stances and forms as he knew: and at the end of the month, with a gentle smile, Hopachai told Hitmonlee that he had taught him everything he would need to go out on his own. Hitmonlee tried to convey that he did not want to leave what had become his family, but Hopachai simply said, "You have the potential to become much stronger... but also to become more than just a trainer's Pokemon. Go out and find more opponents, go and find new people to befriend... Go, Apachai, and show me the true strength you have learned."

Tears streaming from his face, Apachai hugged his trainer, mentor, and above all, friend... said his goodbyes to the other Pokemon... and, a newly reborn fighter, strode off to find his way in the world. He spent almost a year, travelling on his own and meeting all kinds of interesting people. A few tried to capture him, but part of his previous training had inadverdently taught him how to deflect pokeballs with deft grace, and he always wound up not only defeating trainer's Pokemon, but subsequently befriending them all, and hanging around with them for a few days to play Old Maid or Othello with them, before taking off again in search of new faces and new challenges. Recently, he heard wind of a school where not only Pokemon fought and trained with each other, but also humans and all kinds of other strange people-- and Apachai knew this would be the next step in his life's journey.

Anything Else?: Apachai developed the habit of yelling "APA" as he trained on his own, to help empower his own heart. This has carried over into his speech patterns (as a Pokemon, he says Apa almost as much as he says Hitmonlee), and he often tacks it onto the ends of sentences, or uses it to replace words he doesn't quite understand.

Pokemon specific notes-- Although Apachai knows how to fight without Pokemon moves, he does still know Double Kick, Brick Break, Hi Jump Kick and Counter. Doesn't use them too often though.

In-Character Example Post: Apa! So many people! I can feel so many strong auras here, apa! I wonder how many will train with me, apa! Maybe I will find some people to play with also apa! Apachai hasn't played Othello in 16 days, it is getting boring! I am sure there are many strong opponents to play with also, apapa! Does anybody want to play? 8D
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