Aug 05, 2007 22:25
Saw The Bourne Ultimatum tonight. YUMYUMYUM. Normally, I'm not a Matt Damon fan. Tonight, though, I wanted to *do* "Jason Bourne" so badly, I feel sorry for the theater seat.
Anyway, on the way home, I had to merge onto the interstate. I got stuck behind some idiot driving a little camry, doing about 12 mph ON the on-ramp. I kid you not...if she was doing 15, I'll eat my own earwax. ANYWAY, I FINALLY get the chance to get around her and as I look over, she's shoveling fast food into her mouth, not even looking at the road. What the hell is that all about? Can you stop stuffing your damn face long enough to pay attention to the FRIGGING road???
I slowed WAY the hell down, pulled up alongside her (there were no other cars around, so it was as safe as I could get), rolled my window down and shouted out to her, "QUIT EATING AND DRIVE!!" Of course, I dunno if she could understand me through the Double Decker taco I was chewing.
Stupid idiot drivers.