I'll bitch. I like to bitch.
Me, I'm a feminist. I hope for equal opportunity and equal wage. Granted, there are things men can do that I cannot, and never will be able to due to the unique genetic make up I posses. I will never ever bench press 500 lbs. I just don't have the frame for that kind of muscle, nor do I wish to ever bulk up like that. Consequently, I won't ever get into a proffession when my strength of body is critical, such as being a firefighter. On the reverse, there are things woman can do that men cannot. Women have a higher pain threshold. I'm not going to get into the thing about being more nurturing and all that crap because I think that is a societal development rather than a biological one. Women do however, mature faster, and their brains develop sooner. Women's brains are also wired differently and examples of such are the multitasking issue. Woman have an easier time doing more than one thing at a time. Not saying that men can't multitask, just that women seem to have a better time with it. Women also landmark visually. Not to say that this is better in anyway, simply to point out one of the differences in the way the brain functions. One other amazing little tidbit, most serial killers are men.
That being said, I find that men and women, while different, with different capabilities and different functioning roles in life, they are equal. One cannot continue to exsist without the other. Some species spontaniously change gender in single sex enviroments. Micheal Crichton introduced this in Jurrasic Park. It was even mentioned in the movie. (The book, by the way, was much much better. The sequels are crap though.) Frogs will spontaniously change sex when faced with a single sex group. Par to fhte DNA used to reconstruct the dino's was frog DNA. So some of the lady dino's turned into male dino's and they layed eggs and ran amuck. One does not survive without the other. It is two halves of a whole. Woman cannot conceive children and reproduce without men. Men cannot give birth to their own offspring. Plants can. People and animals can't.
Enter my problem. Todays rant was triggered by
this post in feminist_rage. I understand that all people need a place to go and bitch about the things that get under their skin, and I understand that there are some women out there that call themselves feminists but don't really mean it. Rush coined a great term for these women. Femi-nazi's Now some wear this label with pride while others are deeply offended by it. If someone were to refer to me as a femi-nazi I would be offended. I am not looking to enslave men, only to keep them around to perpetuate the perfect amazonian society. Femi-nazi's are. The man hating lesbians. I say man hating because they do in fact, hate men. Say so all the time. They are entitled to that. I say lesbian because a good portion of them are homosexual. Nothing wrong with that. To each their own right? Up until this point I'm fine. It's when things like this are posted that drive me up a wall.
Ok. So your boss complimented your looks. I don't know where she comes from but if you took that sentence to court with nothing else you would get laughed out into the street. Sometimes these women take sexual harassment way too far. I would understand if he did something like this all the time. I would understand her anger if all he ever did was tell her she was a hot mama. But he called her cute. Once. I'm glad you value your mind over your looks, but jesus effing christ! Do you really expect all men to be mind readers? You realize of course that the majority of the women in the north american continent would smile and thank the man for the compliment! So fucking what if you are at work! Calling you cute, by the way, isn't commenting on your body.
Ok. My real issue isn't specifically this person, it is all the people like her. Not to long ago there was a post in a feminist community around lj somewhere about how a lesbian felt empowered by telling someone at a gas station to piss off. She felt empowered because she told him off. She was upset because he asked for her name.
These people take it too far. Human interaction will happen. Most femme lesbians do not wear signs over their heads that say "I'm a Lesbian and I don't like men, so please, leave me alone." Men see women. People tend to see the best/worst of themselves in others. If a man sees a woman he finds attractive he will assume she is straight because he is straight. There is no sense in getting all worked up because he can't read the lesbian sign in your brain. The assumption that everyone else is like you is something we all have I think. Which is why I think the knee jerk reaction for most of this type of woman is anger and hatred. However, because they suffer from the misconceptions every day, and rail against them, and bitch about them, they would be more sensitive to the fact that they do it themselves. But no. The worst offenders are the ones that scream the loudest about it. The lesbian that files charges against the customer that asked for her number. She is assuming that because she is a lesbian, her customers should know that. Or at the very least, because she is a lesbian, her customers should think like her and respect the boundries she has set but not marked out for everyone to see. She feels that because she thinks it is wrong for a man to ask for her number, the entire world should feel the same way. Well, if she thought about it, sat down in that booth in that mans seat, and saw herself, she would assume she is straight, and flattered by the compliment he is paying her by asking for her number. (Essentially he is saying he finds her attractive, and that is a compliment.)
Another example, the ones that don't shave. They stand up, tell women to do what they want to do, and to not follow conventional beauty routines. They tell them to be themselves and break away from the patriarchal standards blah blah blah. Fine. You don't want to shave or wear make up, that's fine. Yay, women are free! Hoorah! Then they find out that you still shave, and you still pluck your brows, and you still put on perfume in the morning before going out on a friday night. They call you traitor and dress you down every way they know how because you support that blasted patriarchal standard and tell you that you are worse than men because you are a woman perpetuating the slavery induced by attempting to immitate pre-pubescence by running sharp metal blades over your skin. (Oh yes, this has been said, to me.) Then comes the long winded rant about how men control us by making us feel like little children, because we attempt to resemble them. Then comes the long rant about how all men really want to do is fuck children, because they like shaved women. That's where the man hating really starts, because all men are sick fucks and only want to impregnate you so that they may have sex with the babies.
Granted, these are the extreme end of the looney side, but they are there. They are the loudest. They are the ones that are seen. They are the ones that set the example for the media and everyone else who isn't actually involved. They are the ones that made me ashamed to say "I'm a feminist" all through highschool.
Ok. I'm done. I wonder if this counts as not drama?