(no subject)

Apr 30, 2005 23:13

soo weird i mean, how did they know? well anyway friday i was bus surfing with mrs bev!!! it was awesome. mrs bulostin's son rides our bus and she was at the mailbox when we pulled up and she recognized me(i was hanging out of the window...) funny thing happened on the way to the tennis courts.. well i was at kathleens house and we were on her front lawn dancing and singing stacy's mom at the top of uor lungs when katie,tasha, and brian were walking by. i was so embarassed we ran inside before we realized who it was. when i did i ran back outside and down the lawn. we walked them to the tennis courts aND SPENT TEN MINUITES READING THIS GIRLS BUMBERSTICKERS. i apologise for the caps but im to lazy to go back and fix. then thirty minuites later suban and vikky and the bumpersticker girl were waalking so we stopped them.

ive got the best story that happened to me tonight... i went to the store to get milk aand kumquatts when i was standing in line for the scan it ur self line there was this twenty three year old man in front of me. in one hand he had four personal size tony's pizzas. in the other he had a box of condoms. when he swiped his card he diddnt have enough on it to pay so he asked the lady how he could take off some of the items because he diddnt have enough. i was waiting to see what he would put back....... he put back two of the pizzas hahahahaha!!! well i guesss we now know where his priorities lie lol.

oh, new fav movie is dazed and confused. its so funny. yet its painful to watch... well the main idea behind it is that the were right between the two eras of the 60's and the 80's. it was diffucult then because of the gap. i fell like its that way with us, the 90's pretty much sucked and nothing new or special is coming along yet that i can see. besides our music sucks.
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