Why have I waited so long?

Jun 23, 2011 21:53

For the longest time, every time I sign into Facebook I think "Man, I really wanna bitch about such and such, but I don't want it to be a note because no body reads those and I don't want it to be a status because I don't want to cover up my previous superawesome status." But then I remembered that I have a LJ! Of couse I normally only use it to read NC-17 rated smut, but now I can use it to actually bitch about things. AND I don't have to worry about family and/or my mom's co-workers reading it.


Okay, so recently (like, for the past 2 weeks), In Plain Sight has been my life. Like, legitimately. I don't think I spelled that right. *[Google search time]* Wow, I did spell it right. I guess it's one of those "spelled like it sounds" words. If only they were all that way. ANYWAY. So my life has revolved around this show (if you haven't seen it, YOU MUST. It's on Netflix's Watch Instantly thing so if you have Netflix, you have no reason to not watch it). I laugh with them, I cry with them, in my dreams I sleep with them. XD You get the picture. So you can imagine how much I have to scream into my pillow "AWWWW, POOR MARSHALL! T___T" May I just say: FUCK FABER. I HATE HIM SO MUCH AND I DON'T SEE WHAT MARY SEES IN HIM. HE'S NOT FUNNY, HE'S NOT SMART. HE HAS NO REDEEMING VALUES. RAPH WAS 10 TIMES BETTER THAN THIS DUDE AND MARSHALL IS 50 TIMES BETTER. It was almost friggin pitiful when Marshall said she needed someone who would get in her face and call her BS and make her think (obviously referring to himself) and then she goes and takes that loser Faber to Mexico with her. SHE SHOULD BE SEXIN UP MARSHALL, NOT FUCKIN FABER. UGH. SO GROSS.

Anyway. Bitching complete. THIS TIME.

But yeah, it feels good to let it out on a site that I know almost no one will read it. :D
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