(no subject)

Mar 23, 2010 12:00

so i've been on my medications for a week now. most of the vasculitis spots have begun to fade and peel (like after a sunburn), and the rheumatologist said i shouldn't be getting any more. except i am. there's a small crop on my upper inner thighs, which thankfully don't hurt, and i've got about two dozen tiny-to-medium spots on each hand, and these HURT and prevent me from doing a lot. there's a sink full of dishes that i want to destroy, but i can't because i can't really grasp or lift. very frustrating.

my mouth is full of sores, which comes with the territory. there are two big craters on my lip, one on the bottom inner left, and one right in the center of my upper lip on the inside - this will be hard to heal because it rubs against my teeth all the damn time. ow. it makes opening my mouth incredibly difficult. my tongue has a weird sore on the very tip, and the sides feel like they've been rubbed against a cheese grater. my lips are so raw and chapped, too. nothing seems to be helping them.

i haven't had a voice for 12 days now. yesterday some of the phlegm i brought up was tinged with blood. (sorry, if tmi.) Not Good. so justin called my ear/nose/throat doctor yesterday and left a message. he got a call back today saying i have an appointment on thursday. then they called him ten minutes later saying no, thursday is fully booked, how about today? luckily my sister is free to bring me in later. so hopefully we can get that figured out. and i'm telling the doctor that the prednisone has NOT helped to relieve the feeling of pressure in my ear, and it's terribly annoying.

i think my spots have faded enough that i might be able to wear jeans and not my yoga pants. i'm willing to give it a try. plus i'm goddamn sick of yoga pants.


this morning i noticed some weird bumps on my neck. a few hours later they have traveled up the right side of my face. if by the time i'm home from the doctor this afternoon i'm taking some benadryll because they truly look like hives. and they itch.

and my eyes are stupid. yesterday i woke up with the skin on my eyelids, both eyes, upper and lower lids, feeling tight and scratchy, rough to the touch. the inner and outer corners of both eyes are very bloodshot, and the inner eyelids are too red. so i'm seeing my eye doctor about that on friday, as well as getting an exam for some new glasses. i think it's been about four or five years, and while my vision with my glasses isn't fuzzy, it's definitely time for new frames.

maybe my sister will want to go out to lunch with me. i'm kinda wanting a big salad that i don't make myself. hmm. *texts her*

have i mentioned how fantastic my husband and my family have been through all this? because they've been amazing. my friends? not so much. one has good reasons to be MIA most of the time, and she came to visit for about five hours yesterday. i haven't seen hide nor hair of anyone else. ah well. i know who truly cares. :)

rambling, health, tmi

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