no. at least not until much later tonight or tomorrow.
yesterday i wrote five pages for this very last paper. and i did it in about four hours. so that was far more productive than wednesday. it's due today, and while i'm not finished yet and i have to go to lunch with my family at 12:45, i'm not nervous. in a little over an hour, i typed up an outline that will carry me through the rest of the paper, including a conclusion. conclusions are always the hardest part for me, so i'm very proud that i was able to do it.
i think this is at least a B paper. so nyeh!
um. i got some bach's walnut at wegmans last night. it's supposed to help with naturally occurring anxiety. right now it is just making me want to go the bathroom a lot. maybe because you have to drop it into water. hmm. either way, i'm going to give it a try and see what happens.
my brain outside of this paper is incredibly chaotic today. what are the chances.
i ordered a new faceplate for my phone. the one that came with the phone last summer was rubberized and had started to fall apart. justin bought me a silicon sleeve from best buy, but it was awful and didn't fit right and made using the phone a pain in the ass. it was, of course, the only option best buy offered for my particular phone (lj voyager). so i bought one on ebay and it's fabulous and i love it. it's black with pink flowers and butterflies. so effing girly, but i like it. and it was only $8 with free shipping! score. so uh.
time to shower. then i'm going to lunch with my mom, all three sisters, two aunts, and my cousin katie. sigh. it'll be just so much fucking fun.
i've been bleeding the past couple days. combined with herbal enhancements, sleeping has been okay. but the days before bleeding? just fucking awful. then again, i didn't have to work early this morning and was able to sleep in a bit. yet, there's the stress of "will i get this paper done?" so... hmmm...