
Mar 08, 2010 00:38

Chaes and Loe are strange.

It's late late at night and Loe is in the hallway with her ear pressed against a door that is not her own. She doesn't seem to care if anyone is around or if they notice, either. She's just there, attemping to listen through the wood. And whether or not anyone realizes it's Vladilen's door is up to them.

"Are they screwing?" Ch'son asks shamelessly when he happens to be walking past and notices Ista's lovely headwoman trying to eavesdrop on the door of... someone. Apparently not a door he himself is familiar with if it's not one of the ladies that like to, uh, give back to the Weyr, so to speak.

Loe straightens right quickly and turns to blink at Ch'son, startled to find she has company. Her glance flicks up and down over the bronzerider, taking him in and considering, before she says. "I don't even know if he's in there. I can't tell." A step back leaves him room to reach the door and the tip of her head seems to be encouragement for him to take a listen.

Ch'son eyes the woman for a moment like he's going to question her sanity but he doesn't actually open his mouth. Instead he shifts his attention to the door, then steps forward. He doesn't listen, though. He knocks. Then he waits. Then he looks at her with an arched brow.

The knocking? Well before Loe can stop herself, she lets out a horrified gasp and leaps back to try to... hide. Only, it's a hallway and there isn't anywhere that's terribly close and good for hiding a fully grown human. "What are you doing?" she whispers harsly at Ch'son, as if whispering -now- will help. Thankfully, there's no stirring behind the door, but she might not know that yet.

"Y'wanted t' know what they were doin'!" Chaes protests. Except since there's nothing going on in there and apparently not anyone even /in/ there, it's kind of pointless. He tests the handle before he loses interest and turns to Loe more entirely. "You think he's cheatin' on you or something? Who is it? You want me t'hit him for you?"

Relief! Loe stumbles forward to grab Ch'son's arms and try to pull him away from that door. She also makes a face at him. "What? Cheating on me? You mean like... if he was in there annoying the shit out of someone else? No, I'm not worried about." She shakes her head and sighs a bit. "And you don't have to hit him." Generous, considering apparently he annoys the shit our of her.

Ch'son is just confused. What is going on! He glances at the door again but he lets Loe pull him away from it all the same. When he rounds his attention onto her again, he's just lost. "So..." He should have a question now but he's not even sure what to ask. "What?" That seems like a valid question.

"It's nothing. I was just... business." Loe says with a shrug and the lift of her chin. "Where were you headed?" she asks, looking back and forth around the hall. Then she lifts a brow and narrows her eyes. "Wait, are you talking to me? What was it you said the last time I saw you?" Something about.. pants?

"Last time you saw me?" If that's something Ch'son should be remembering, he's not. There's been a lot going on, after all, and even if there hadn't been he probably wouldn't have remembered. "I was headed..." he pauses, then gestures off the way he'd been headed, "that way." Except that's really not much of an answer at all.

Loe rolls her eyes at Ch'son's poor memory. "I believe you stormed off and yelled obscenities at me." Does that jog anything? She looks over him again, her mouth slightly pursed and turned down. "How flattering that you don't remember." She glances off in the direction he's pointed to. "What's that way?"

"Oh." Yeah, maybe that does jog something. Ch'son takes a moment to say anything else and then it's vaguely uncertain, lacking conviction. "I remember. Ain't like you want me t' remember anyway, though, is it? Listenin' in for other guys. That ain't business." He glances off in that direction again, then shakes his head. "Was goin' home."

"I remember you saying some..." Loe halts, changes her mind. "Why wouldn't I want you to remember? And what do you mean -other- guys?" She starts to eye him, her arms crossing over her chest like he might be in trouble somehow, caught in something at least, but the expression never fully materializes on her features. Instead something of a pout wars for dominance and turns the corners of her mouth downward.

Ch'son just ends up waving a hand in something like frustration at the woman. It's kind of a common theme between the two of them, though, so probably not terribly unexpected. "Don't mean nothin'. Are y'done bein' crazy now, at least? Can I get going back on my way? Some of us gotta get up and work in the mornin'." Yeah, because the Headwoman clearly isn't one of those people.

"I'm not being crazy," Loe snaps back. Of course... Ch'son saw that stuff at the door and so she mitigates her defensiveness. "Okay, yes. I was listening at Vlad's door. Whatever. That's just nothing. But I'm not crazy. -You- said--" She stops short again and sighs out, "Nevermind."

The bronzerider looks like he might be interested in what she has to say but then she says 'never mind' and Ch'son lets out a puffed breath that's almost irritated. "If you ain't listenin' in on him cause y'think he's cheatin', then go home, Loe. Go t'bed." And Ch'son starts moving off like that's precisely what he's going to do as well.

Loe lets him turn away so she can snort at his back. "Yeah, that's it. I'm worried Vlad is cheating on me. Because he and I are so hot and heavy. Whenever I go down to the stores we spend the whole time making out behind the racks. Ask anyone." Is she serious? Is she just trying to screw with him? Is she saying it because it's all completely preposterous? Well, it's hard to tell.

Whatever the case, none of it makes Ch'son turn back around. That might be a growl that she hears coming from his general direction. And hey! She'll know for sure if it bothers him or not if Vlad ends up with a hurting face in the next few days.

Spring night, day 24, month 2, turn 22 of Interval 10.


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