[be-lated] Happy Birthday INOO! Ü

Jun 24, 2009 15:24

YAY! be-lated HAPPY BIRHDAY my dear INOO! :))
Of course I wish you ALL THE BEST!
I hope to see more handsome/cute/glutton/dorky/goofy/scaredy-cat INOO in the future! Ahahah. What?!
Please stay PURI-PURI-PRETTY! :))

*whew* I finally made an Inoo birthday post. Ü Only 20-30+ more birthday posts to go! Ahahah.

In other news...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE the labels on my notebook! LOL! Did I say that right?!
Uhm. People usually put names, subject names, etc in notebooks right? So I made mine and these is how they look like. =P

They're just simple but I love them! :)) I got the idea from my best friend. I was planning to make one last school year too, but our printer was broken that time. =P Good thing my aunt gave me us a new printer! Ahahah. My best friend had Yabu as background BTW. Ü

And yes, my full name's Charliemagne. =P If you studied World History, you'll be familiar with that name. The origial one is spelled without an I though. LOL!

I'm actually not done yet. I still have to make one for Religion, Homeroom, etc. Ahahah. So random.

Well, that's all! I'm not really in the mood to talk about things. =P

*goes back to downloading Arashi-related videos*

other: birthday post, hey! say! jump: inoo kei, je: hey! say! jump, life: school

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