I recorded another song. Listen to it if you want:
http://www.breakingeverypromise.com/mp3s/A_Burning_Sphere_of_Hyrdrogen.MP3 I think it's one of the best songs I've written/recorded. I can actually play a half-decent drum roll.
By the way we're finally playing a show, its on June 24th, check out the
page for more details.
I got the new Weezer CD last week. It's actually really good *minus the Beverly Hills song*! The last 2, not so good, so I was expecting another let down. Its more on the lines of the Blue album with a hint of what a lot of their unreleased material sounded like.
I also finally got Final Fantasy X-2. Only played an hour so far...not enough to make an impression yet. It's kinda girly so far though.
Next week is kate and my 3 year anniversary. I can't remember not knowing her. Seems like it should be longer than 3 years.