I Wasn't Going To Post This Frontpage, BUT

Jan 14, 2004 00:32

I wrote too many goddamned characters. And thus, the precursor to this can be found directly on the photoshop thread. I guess we can continue this argument here. And I swear to god, If you don't have the fucking balls to put your name behind whatever you post, dont' fucking bother posting here. You are worse than slime. If you want to make gradiose statements, back your shit up with your name.

I extend my thanks to you, same person and/or same computer (, go get em kids) that posted in one of my later posts about how I am a fool and sound like Charlie Brown's teacher. I suppose when your inflamatory little regurgitation didn't get the response you wanted, you figured you'd go for something that sounds vaguely like logic and empathy but really smells like shit.

Please, allow me, as the anonymous person (LOVE ANON PEOPLE) also has done, to justify myself vis-a-vis your statements. This will be a piece by piece analysis, so bear with me.

This makes me feel ill.
Killing puppies makes me feel ill. Evil deeds make me feel ill. Deserved retribution makes me feel proud.

Not one of you knows Fallon at all.
Not true. If I didn't know her, I'd have a real problem being able to produce the stories I have, and also produce such pictures. Perhaps you meant something deeper, though I don't know why anyone would want to know her on a deeper-than-superficial level, and dont' intend to find out.

How dare you degrade someone like this.
Who are you to judge? And furthermore, this isn't degrading. The folks around here, they know degrading. And, you act as if it's not deserved.

This mess is between Marty and Fallon not Fallon and all of Marty's friends (and I truly believe that all of you care about him deeply, I do too).
You were correct in that statement. Almost. What you neglect to note is the minute that a friend, say such as myself, overhears an individual directly say how they are manipulating him, and how easy it is to play with him, and how it's funny he just doesn't get it...well it becomes partially my business. Also, when Fallon is a giant, raving she-bitch to me personally, to my face, well then it becomes my business on another level. As for the rest of these people? I'd wager that allof them met her at the parties. So they may also have some grounds to work from.

I don't know any of you very well but from actions and behavior of all of you I don't think I want to.
We're actually quite cuddly when you get down to it, but we rile like a son of a bitch when we get pissed off. And this anger, in this case, is justified. So, I guess I wouldn't want to know a group of loyal friends who are angry over the injury of one of there own. Yah, loyalty and steadfastness is really overrated.

I would hate to see what would happen to me if I engaged in actions that pissed off a lot of people.
Ask Fallon. She did. This is what happens.

These are pictures taken with an unspoken understanding that they were to be fun and between friends.
Perhaps. Then again, are we all really friends anymore? I didn't know Fallon before, and I'm glad I don't know her now. You may note that the only people included in any of the pictures are Fallon, with the exception of Marty, Max or myself. Marty goes without saying, Max, well we've known each other a long time...if he was pissed he'd tell me, and me? Well what do I care? The focus was Fallon, and with good reason. She earned it. No one else was included in this picture set.

Not altered and posted on the internet to make someone look foolish.
See above. It's not someone, it's FALLON. Say it with me: F-A-L-L-O-N. Not anyone or someone.

Really, how do you sleep at night?
Like a baby. It's cathartic really. Plus, I work real hard at a job that requires a college degree. That's spelt PROFESSIONAL.

I am not saying that I agree with Fallon's actions or with Marty's. What I am saying is that no one, not even someone's best friend, has the right to air someone else's dirty laundry.
When it is presented to me, and I've made it clear I'm hearing the conversation, then I damned well do have that right. Especially when such information is tantamount to psychological abuse. The only thing that kept me from asking her to leave and walk her fucking tramp ass home was the fact that Marty directly requested I restrain myself.

Why, Chad? Why everyone? What does this prove?
Loyalty. Love. Respect. That you really shoudln't fuck with our friends. That maybe people shouldn't be cuntrags in the first place. That perhaps one ill turn deserves another, and perhaps more specifically, that you treat others as you want to be treated or you suffer the consequences.
These, technically, are quite mild consequences. Hell will be warmer. And hell is a step up.

Really. That you are all very skilled at photoshop.
I'm not. Most of what I did sucked. But i was amused by it. Others' work was much better.

Please, take a moment to reflect on what you are doing. Take a moment to realize that you all know nothing about what happened. Take a moment to realize that everyone has feelings.
A person who is knowledgeable of their feelings would not have submitted Marty to what ammounts to a stated manipulative game of emotions. I know plenty of what happened from my own ears. If the big words didn't scare you on my later post, you would have noticed that I am acting on the knowledge of my own personal experience. I do know what happened, as much as I am able to have seen and/or heard a direct - shall we call it a confession? - from the afformentioned individual.

I know that this has nothing to do with me but as a human being, as someone who knows Marty and Fallon, as someone who has feelings, I can't help but to call attention to what all of you are doing to someone for a cheap laugh.
This really isn't a cheep laugh. a) it takes alot of work to fabricate those photoshops. b) Cheep laughs don't last so goddamned long, and c) You act as if she didn't fucking deserve it.

I love you Marty and I love you Fallon.
And you don't see a dialectical fucntion there. GOOD!

I hope you guys can work this out on your own.
I hope it's a spectacular explosion.

I know that both of you are good people even if other people don't see that.
That's a patent lie. Fallon is not a good person at all. Good implies that there's some semblence of decency in that gangrenous heart of hers. It's not. We checked. From a distance.

You know, everyone has problems and no one is perfect and God forbid that someone posts any of your imperfections on the internet.
The book's on the way to the publisher, so the internet will have to do for now. I'm pretty candid about my imperfections, as is Marty. Fallon's the only one acting the victim here. As for sharing imperfections on the internet, give me a fucking break. That's part of what the internet runs on. Hate and vitriol. And to be fair, we're just scratching the surface of Fallon.

Lots of love to everyone because it is something that is lacking.
Love is all around. There's just no love directed at one particular individual. And again, I can't love those who are intentionally cruel without provocation. Especially for their own manipulative purposes.
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