Jun 26, 2006 23:39
soo.. my work sucks, its challenging.. not because I have a lot to do, not because I have anything to do at all, but I have to "look" busy doing few small tasks.. like sweeping or picking up pieces of the average of three pieces of paper I find everyday.. I sweep both of this very large warehouses with this housebroom.. because we don't have a pushbroom?.. no, we do.. because we don't have a blower? no, we do (shutup kara).. because I have to make a HUGE production out of sweeping in order to keep my job, i'm afraid if I don't look busy my boss will tell me that he doesn't need me or worse make me work with the electric people men out in the field doing stuff.. that is my worst nightmare.. i make 8.75 an hour to look busy.. i know i should be grateful but it is amazing how SLOOW TIME goes.. have of the time I just text kara.. or sit in the bathroom and pretend to be pooping or something.. they probably think I have intestinal problems.. from about 2-5 I do ABSOLUTELY nothing.. which isn't fun i'd actually rather be sweating because time goes by.. but seriously i have found a twilight zone where time is super slow.. I run through my scales in my head.. that's how sad it is.. I found some sort of insulatory puddy today and sculpted a tiny village on the forklift.. which i'm now certified to run the forklift.. not as exciting as i imagined.. i do get a hardhat though.. it doesn't look that great on me though, surprise surprise..
I'm thinking about going to this two week beverly hills thing to take lessons with judith farmer the USC bassoonist.. its kind of expensive so i'm going to budget it out and try to figure out lodging and plead to this man with a horrible accent about needing scholarship..
i made five reed blanks tonight.. i've made fifteen blanks in the past week.. i keep reading different ideas.. i won't go into it because you don't care..
40 year old virgin was funny, but i don't think it was FUNNY. ya know? i just watched it for the second time. I think the love interest hot grandma freaks me out, just her personality and face gives me the heebedy jeebedies..her nose is creepy shaped I think they should have shown more of the middle eastern men in the store..
alright i have to go to bed, work at 8. :( ... I hate money.
I hate reruns of late night shows.. or stuff that makes a big deal about the season.. it makes me angry when conan o'brien is talking about the holidays in june. reminds me of kara talking about her mom and christmas in july.. i still don't believe her..
I saw fiddler on the roof again.. it is really hard for me to make it through that whole movie.. they could have edited a shit load out of it.. especially the creepy dance between cital and that creepy poor tailor who deserves to be loved too.. TRADITION!! that's my favorite part..
I want the new Dashboard confessional album.
today at work all the workers came in and were huddled around the computer trying to get a picture to print right and i let them just sit there like apes trying to pry open a coconut.. one guy was trying to get a color copy of this photo because all he had was a black and white that they printed off the computer.. so he goes i'm going to go copy this black and white with the color copier... i stared at him and then i told him it doesn't work like that.. all the men that work there.. they are like part little boy part ape.. they get all hiped when one of them opens a dirty email and tell me no i can't look at it.. but they say that when i have no desire or am showing no interest to look at it.. i can be outside and they'll come out there and go "no chad you can't look at the women on the computer!".. and i'm thinking.. 1. they dont' realize that there is a history bar.. plus they keep there outlook unlocked. 2. due to having a computer when i was 13 i've seen every naked picture known to mankind.. 3. if i'm going to look at a naked picture i'm not going to go all tribal about it.. have i mentioned i love my job?..
alright wish me luck.. maybe i'll wake up and it will be two weeks later and i'll be healthier and better at bassoon.