
Mar 07, 2005 20:01

Although i really just dont give a shit about anything right now....I've decided to update my journal. This past weekend was very gay but we will start with Friday. Yeh uhhh i dont remember what I did friday???? o yeah i went to our district basketball game and we lost to WWT although we were winning the whole time. They had like their whole student body there with face paint and shit....fuckin homos..After that i dont know what i did but i remember driving Cass home cuz he was trashed and i went to sleep.

Saturday-I didnt work in the morning...instead i woke up to go to see Alyssa compete at regionals or what have you. That was over pretty quick but Samantha wanted to stay to watch Amanda so being the two cool ass dudes that we are...Joe and I stayed with her. We were scouting girls...coaches..the whole 9. We had a scouting report goin. After that Sam and I went to Taco Bell right quick and then i dropped her off. I took a nice nap but my phone woke me up too early. I took my mom up to Lowe's to get some paint for her bedroom. Then i came back to World War III because ppl like to assume shit and put words in ur mouth, you know the ones that know everything?? yeah wtf dude that ruined my Saturday. I was so pissed that I even went to play basketball?? which i havent done in a long ass time. I kinda sucked but ill be alright next time. I came home and showered....then i went to Jasmine's party. It was kinda tight but i was kinda upset over something not WW3....different topic. Shaun, Joe, Ant, and myself were just clownin and hoein on lil kids....but seeing as i was in a pretty shitty mood I went home at like 12. I dropped off 2 lil kids who decided to experience with alcohol and lost their drunken virginity ahahaha. I came home and fell asleep around 12:30

Sunday-Woke up at like 9 am....had to work at 9:40 which i was somewhat late....i had to sacrifice for a cinnamon roll...shit happens.. I get there and i go to get dressed to ref and my boss is passed out sleeping so i didnt get in trouble lol. I came home real quick after work to get my hockey shit and took a nap before i was awakened by a text message which after i realized what it was I got kind of upset/angry again and went to hockey. It was tight tho we won 13-3...not my best game but who gives a shit. After that i came home to shower. I was still kind of bothered but then i just went to Paul's. We chilled, went to taco bell, played some spades, listened to Dan fight with his girl...he is a veteran no joke...i thought i was good...i picked up a few pointers watch out now. I came home, talked to Samantha and Shannon on the phone half asleep and shit. I passed out after that

Monday-well i was fine until FIRST HOUR started and Molnar's faggot ass was the sub. I had the pics of us burying his car on me too LOL....I was chillin with Mykel, Amanda, and Ryan just bullshittin cuz i didnt feel like doin work. 2nd hour Mr. Carpenter is a faggot and if he yells at me for talking one more time im gonna throw his MSU flag out the window. We took notes and did a worksheet HOW FUCKIN FUN!!!
In 3rd hour we continued building our planes...Me and Bruce are partners but i dont think our plane is gonna get off the ground...o well shit happens right? At lunch i went to McDonald's by myself and just say there and thought....Brought Samantha food back cuz i love her duhhh.... 4th hour I fell asleep and i for sure drooled on my backpack. I woke up and went to 5th hour. We played our business game and thats it. Then u have 6th hour/World War 4.....yeh i mean when u tell someone not to say shit to u and despite your seriousness in the whole thing....they still try to???? i mean come on. Mrs. Hawkins got me goin and i didnt play around after that....I'm so sick of fighting with you but u just dont get the point cuz

...I mean yeh well u say feelings weren't there at first?? So it takes u 8 months to make up ur mind???? But now cuz u are straight that means i should just drop it all and like u again..aint how shit works with me....idc u like like 3 other dudes neways...aint no skin off my back..yeh so i shouldnt be saying this in my journal but i dont give a shit im not talking to you about it....I was miserable for the entire first part of the school year...then u go get a boyfriend out of nowhere....then have the balls to ask me about another girl and me??? shit..How bout homecoming week and ur man the fuck u think i felt about that??? yeh the same night i put a damn flower on ur car...Yeh ppl I did it i know im a soft ass...and the following night...u have his ass park on the other street so i wont notice it and then tell me O he parked 1/2 way between me and Janelle.....BULLSHIT....HAAAHHHH idc i look back and wonder what i was thinking but im settin it all out there..Then how about H/C night at Shannon's..Then ur boyfriend u go get that treated u like shit after he knew he had you....u keeping him...offended the hell out of me.....all the times i got u shit or w/e and u let me and after i tell u how i felt all the fuckin time.....u can tell me that I have no reason to not like you???? Friends dont do the shit i listed above to each other.....I never lied to you or shit like that...i always defended you...i thought i lost my mind...Now i just realize the shit that makes me pissed off...So yeah im sorry I dont feel like i did back then...thats all there is to it....Yeh im fuckin pissed off...actually im sorry about the friend line...someone who has known someone their entire life doesnt do that to someone else. Im sorry that your jealous or w/e

...even though im pretty sure I lost her too....She'd never have done this to me.....i wish that id get lucky for once but that shit never happens...and now i just decided to say w/e

I can't take being run over by a bus again so its w/e........

This has been the longest journal entry EVER!!!! and if u read it then ur a out tho now my fingers hurt from typing but hey im using this journal whats its type my thoughts...Later tho

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