I am Literally Crying in Relief

Nov 28, 2013 02:18

Thank you. Thank you all.

In the space of roughly 12 hours due to an FB post and a locked LJ post, I have gone from "abject terror" to "moderate concern". I'm about 90% at rent payment right now, which is so much better than 65% (where I was this afternoon).

That's a big, big, BIG win.

Again, I thank you.

And, now I have a few favors to repay. No worries, they're all good -- mostly pointing at stuff that I actually think is cool, and didn't know about previously, that my friends are producing.

Stories, poems, t-shirts, handcrafts, jams/jellies/preserves, games, tea blends, all kindsa stuff. Look for mentions after the Thanksgiving holiday weekend, because maximizing pageviews. Please note: all of this stuff makes excellent Xmas gifts.

Just sayin'.

BTW, I'm not kidding about the subject line here. I am crying right now.

fact, mental health, philosophy, books

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