Swashbucklers of the 7 Skies has been nominated for two
2009 ENnie Awards:
Best Setting and
Product of the Year!
Other fine product nominees, for each category, include:
Best Setting
* The Dreadful Secrets of Candlewick Manor, Arc Dream Publishing
* Hot War, Contested Ground Studio
* Pathfinder Chronicles Campaign Setting, Paizo Publishing
* Slipstream, Studio 2 Publishing
Product of the Year
* Dark Heresy: Disciples of the Dark Gods, Fantasy Flight Games
* Don't Lose Your Mind, Evil Hat Productions
* Dungeons & Dragons 4th Edition Players Handbook, Wizards of the Coast
* Hunter: The Vigil, White Wolf
* Mouse Guard, Kunoichi/Archaia
* Scion: Ragnarok, White Wolf
* A Song of Ice and Fire Roleplaying, Green Ronin
* Starblazer Adventures, Cubicle 7 Entertainment, Ltd
* Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Wizards of the Coast
As ever, it is an honor to be nominated.
Full list of nominees in all categories
Voting begins on July 24th!