PDQ# Numbers

Dec 22, 2008 19:23

Intriguingly, over 707 people have downloaded the free PDQ# (PDQ Sharp!) from the OneBookshelf sites (DriveThruRPG and RPGNow).

Please recall that PDQ# is the underlying system "guts" for S7S and contains zero setting info.

This number doesn't include direct downloads from the ASMP website... yet.

Direct hits on the PDQ# PDF...
Oct 2008 = 935
Nov 2008 = 629
Dec 2008 (to date) = 567

Subtotal direct hits is 2131.

Grand total is 2838.

. . .

[neo] Whoa. [/neo]

Lemme noodle.

. . .

Okay, best-case, if I can sell-thru 10% of that in my first year of release, that's 283 copies, which is a respectable number, covering expenses, royalties, and PROFIT.

Worst-case, call the sell-thru 1% of that in first year, being 28 copies... Probably not quite half-enough revenue to cover first print run expenses alone.

(Best- and worst-cases being figured rather low -- and at orders of magnitude difference -- due to current Econopolypse, plus issues revolving around my "cachet" as a designer to watch... or not.)


game design, mad rpg theory, writing, asmp, gaming, s7s, evilhat, pdq, sales

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