[sales] Back of Envelope Numbers

Nov 06, 2007 09:41

I was just doing some back of the envelope calculations on overall sales numbers of Atomic Sock Monkey Press products for another purpose, and I figured it'd be interesting to post them here as well.

These are the numbers I have across all sales venues -- RPGNow/DTRPG, e23, and IPR (through 3Q2007), with the release date of each.

Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot Deluxe: 145 copies (released 12/06/2003).

Dead Inside: 420 copies (released 01/23/2004).

Cold, Hard World: 161 copies (released 08/03/2004).

Monkey, Ninja, Pirate, Robot: the Roleplaying Game: 191 copies (released 05/27/2004).

Truth & Justice: 707 copies (released 07/07/2005).

T&J: The Turtlezilla Dossier: 64 copies (released 07/11/2006).

The Zorcerer of Zo: 519 copies (released 11/17/2006).

On ZoZ one-year anniversary of it's release, I'll do a post on the year-end numbers. That is, if more copies get sold in the next eleven days through RPGNow/DTRPG -- I won't be able to get a read on the 4Q2007 numbers from IPR until January 2008.

(Hmm. Interestingly, 2007 will be the first year I haven't put out a new product since forming ASMP. The development cycle for S7S has run longer than expected.)

My read on these numbers puts ASMP solidly in the middle range of small-press publishers (those not producing d20 material). There is a growing number of small-press publishers with higher sales, and an even larger number with lower sales than those posted above. All-in-all, not bad.

Anyone else have any insights or comments they'd like to share?

Thanks to all past, present, and future Atomic Sock Monkey Press customers!

mnpr-rpg, dead inside, asmp, zoz, gaming, s7s, truth-and-justice, sales

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