Saw the following
ZoZ character write-up on the LJ of Steve Kenson /
xomec (of Mutants & Masterminds fame, amongst others):
Calvin J. Hobbes
Expert (+4) Fabulous Fairy Friend Ferdinand
Good (+2) Lie Like the Dickens
Good (+2) Fierce as a Falcon
Good (+2) Think Soaring Thoughts*
Poor (-2) Throws Like a Girl
Wears a cap with a falcon’s feather in it, carries a dagger, followed around by his little fairy friend.
Calvin is a sensitive waifish blond kid, always teased for crying at sad movies, playing with dolls, spending all this time with his nose buried in a book, and not being any good at sports. He doubted his courage until his fabulous fairy friend Ferdinand (who is very wise, just ask him) explained how it takes more courage to be who you really are than to act the way everyone expects. He gave Calvin his falcon-feather cap, which Cal thought gave him courage, until he learned it really came from within. Ferdinand also taught Calvin how to use that incredible imagination of his. Now Calvin says, let people think what they want: he can fly!
The Zorcerer decrees that the combination of the core PC concept, the fab fairy friend, and the message contained within this character is not merely zantabulous, but also New and Improved Liquid Awesome with Extra Zing! Crystals.