
Dec 27, 2005 15:15

Home again, jiggity-jig.

boadiccea's detailed post about our trip up to Canonsburg for Xmas.

In other news:

My stepbrother Rob Perez's band, Visual Cliff, is pretty kickass. They're a Christian prog rock band ("progressive hard rock fusion"), and they've just added a vocalist on this last album, Freedom Within. Check out the music menu on their website linked above, and download some clips.
Here's an interesting bit from their Message page:
"Our mission as a band of Christian musicians is to honor our Heavenly Father with all the Glory for blessing us with the gift of music.

Hopefully you will find our tunes uplifting and positive as they are (in our most humble opinion) spiritually inspired.

With all the above being said, we must also make sure you understand that we are far from perfect (really far from perfect actually) and we will never claim to be. Our walk with our Savior Jesus Christ is and will be a life long work in progress. We are all sinners. The only difference between us and somebody that hasn't received Jesus Christ as their personal savior is the knowledge that by confessing him as Lord we are forgiven and assured through our salvation of eternal life with him in paradise. We hope that this page may raise some element of investigation and intrigue if it so applies to you, if not, then please enjoy the music and we look forward to getting to know you either way."

Let me punch up that last bit for emphasis: We hope that this page may raise some element of investigation and intrigue if it so applies to you, if not, then please enjoy the music and we look forward to getting to know you either way.

Rob is good people and he makes good music. I'm pretty sure he's aware I'm not quite a Catholic anymore, but I'm unsure if he knows my general feelings re: Christianity in general. Either way, he has never, ever been preachy towards me or made any attempt to convert me to anything. If asked, he'll discuss his faith, and will remain succinct and on point. He tries to live his life by his Christian values, and lets that speak for itself. And he's funny, personable, a wine connoissseur, and rocks out!

Again, he's a good egg. If you like Christian rock, prog rock, or prog Christian rock, check out his stuff.

Vincent Schiavelli died on Boxing Day. Vaya con Dios, John O'Connor.

Snakes on a [CENSORED] Plane pictures!!! (mad propz for the yoink to ego_likeness)

Truth & Justice is the #5 RPG Book from 2005 at Have Games, Will Travel. Download the podcast of the Christmas Special 2005 here. I'm very pleased at this, especially by the company my game is keeping on that list. Check it out!

beez, podcast, truth-and-justice

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