10 days left to order your copy of NUDE

Feb 05, 2011 01:19


People like to think that photography and modeling is all glitz and glamour and fun, but that’s not always the case.  Sometimes it’s blood, sweat and tears and frustration.

Case in point:

This beautiful shot of Sash Suicide was taken around 3am, in an unheated production warehouse in the dead of winter.  I had been shooting a dozen girls on this throne prop since noon the previous day and Sash was the last girl to get her turn.

I was exhausted.  She was exhausted.  And freezing her ass off.  The spider-webbing was like ice cold glue on her skin an it took me and my production designer Geoff Flint nearly an hour to break her free from the webbing and to clean it off her skin.

By the end of the shoot, it was 4am.  Sash went home still sticky, frozen and not very happy at all.

Until she saw this shot.

And goddamn, what a shot indeed.

“Lair of the Spider Queen” is one of 100+ images appearing in my new limited edition book NUDE, available for order for 10 more days only!

modeling, books, art

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