don't worry, you can mess up today, but not the day of
07/29 12:30 AM PDT - mood emo music taking back sunday "the union"
Kaycee cracks me up. yeah that's what she said to Mary earlier today at SG Prep. regarding SOL's presentation and what not. hah. oh man, oh man.
today was SG Prep #1. haha good times. random moments: "COOKIES!" "you're off count, *bang bang*" "Dangit, Chris, you're OUT! OUT! OUT!" i had some fun today playing Dodgeball-- err. Sin Dodge. yeayuhhh. fun at the price of getting all hot and sweaty and stuff. yum.
speaking of hot and sweaty, school starts in a month. gahh. praise God for busy schedules. Fall Semester 2004, 18 units. 7:00 AM class. gahh. praise God.
i can't find my usb mouse for my laptop and its kind of bugging me. i dislike using the touchpad, i have sweaty fingers (yeah, don't ask) so it doesn't pick up correctly. i've looked everywhere where i think i could have put it. the last time i used it, i remember winding its cord back up (because its one of those retractable, portable ones) and putting down knowing that it would "be safe there." riight.
i can't find it. doh. usb mouse, where are you?
edit: an aim convo...
Super Chaddeus: how was the movie
Squall152: it was good
Super Chaddeus: that's good
Squall152: i was holding in a bunch of gas and piss though
Squall152: i was having the biggest stomach ache. it was funny
Super Chaddeus: ew ew ew
Christian Orante, everyone. *clap clap*