Nov 18, 2007 21:26
Patriots 10-0 tonight and looked amazing. I'm really starting to believe more and more that there is no team in the league that can touch them, especially after their win in Indy despite abysmal officiating and poor play. Special "fuck you" to all haters saying they are running up the score because frankly, I don't give a shit, and neither should grown men that are being payed millions of dollars to run around in tight pants catching a ball.
Niner game was fun today. Nothing like a Tony(teets)'s drunk family and football and tailgating lol.
I had planned on returning to school tonight, but I am very tired and don't feel like keeping my eyes open for long enough to make it back to school tonight, so I'm just going to get up early and go in the morning. I may more may not make math class - I guess we will see (not like I need to go anyways ;)). Fuckton of writing to do tomorrow night though, which I am definitely not looking forward to doing. W/e i guess...thatthatthat that don't kill me, can only make me stronger....>.>
Ingame: It's nice having gil finally, plus rdm and blm basically have all purchasable equipment except for the 2+ mil HQ gear that is a marginal improvement (read: pointless) over their NQ counterparts. Need to finish blm badly lol.
Going to sleep shortly, until next time
Jesus out