Update post

Dec 31, 2008 23:05

Since it's been like... two months since I've posted, and many things happened in between, I'm going to make one of those dreaded update posts.

Super-fast, before it becomes January:

1. I slept through an accountancy exam. :( Staying up until 5 a.m. + 8 a.m. class + midterm = BAD IDEA. Luckily, my teacher let me take a make-up on the same day. It's just... I oversleep so rarely -- I've done it twice, actually. The first time, I missed a class where I had to turn in a paper. I guess I just have really bad luck?

2. The reason why I stayed up so late that night was because I was talking to Kevin. We've been arguing a lot recently, which stinks. :(

3. My laptop's hard drive died. The repairs cost $263. Thanks, Apple. That brings the total spent in REPAIRS to this laptop to about $540. Ugh... But then again, not only did they do the hard drive replacement the same day, they also installed Leopard (I had Tiger before), and replaced my yellowed trackpad and laptop casing. When I got it back, I was like, "Um... did they give me the wrong laptop?" because it looked so new. Even the keyboard seemed more... clicky. The bad news: the last time I backed up my data was May. I lost every file from this semester. The lesson learned: back up regularly. Also, get a better warranty plan for my next laptop.

4. Note: #1 and #3 happened within 24 hours of each other. It was not a good week.

5. I'm done with the semester and my classes went well. Also, my section-leading job? IT WAS SO GOOD. I never fell behind on homework and it was completely unstressful.

6. I am having a lot of trouble getting an internship. I've only gotten two interviews, and both of them sent me denial emails afterwards. :(

7. I actually found people that have read the ASOIAF books. This means I won't actually implode. For the first time in like, two years, I'm writing fanfiction and drawing fanart. This is like... a miracle! :O

asoiaf, college, section-leading, job, i'm back

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