Oct 26, 2004 00:15
A few days ago, my graphing calculator broke, meaning that the +, -, x, and / keys and the CLEAR and ENTER keys, instead of having their normal function, would just put a minus sign on the screen, so "5+2=" would end up as "5-2-". Because I couldn't use the ENTER key at all, this basically rendered my calculator utterly useless.
I didn't want to buy a new calculator, so I took apart my calculator in an attempt to solve the problem by looking at its insides. After about 30 minutes of taking it apart, meddling with it and putting it back together, the only thing I had managed to do was clear all my programs and stuff off the calculator.
I despaired, thinking that I would have to spend about $90 on a new calculator. The only option I had left was to start randomly shaking the calculator and banging its side. So, I did, and I turned it on 5 minutes later and it was fixed and happy.
Go figure.