So I am (slowly) working on a MBTI-related thing for my Disney post series and so am reminded once again how much I dislike the sensing vs. intuition dichotomy, so here's a rant about it. (This post is public because I'll probably be linking it when I actually post my Disney MBTI thing.)
Intuition and Sensing, Left and Right Brain (dichotomies I hate) )
You know, that's something interesting worth looking up. I want to say Chinese considers females more inclined to intuition too if yin-yang is any indication. Yin involves what is hidden and unseen and Yin is also typically considered feminine/female. On the other hand, Yang involves what manifests and what is actually seen and Yang is typically considered masculine/male. On the other hand, from my limited studies, there seem to be a lot of records of Native American men having dreams/premonitions/etc. Very interesting.
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