no more winter break

Jan 19, 2005 12:49

Ok, this winter break seemed sooooo long, it was over a month. Well, it was sooo long I guess.

Anyway, first day of classes for me today. I don't have classes on tuesdays, So i will use the day for a multitude of things.

First being pancake day. Every tuesday, me and alan will enjoy the tender fluffiness that is pancakes in some form or another. It started off yesterday, which happened to be tuesday. We just did straight up bisquick pancake. Alan did all the work.. I helped out on like one pancake, but I cleaned up after wards... like 7 hours afterwards, but nevertheless, I cleaned up.

Also I shall use tuesdays to do homework.

And have appointments and meetings that i can never usaully fit into the week, like blood letting and chiropractor appointments. Maybe I can watch movies on tuesdays too! I'm sure I'll end up going into school for some reason every tuesdays though.

Me and Alan started writing our pilot (not pilate) for a sitcom. I know that sitcoms are looked down upon by some... but.. situational comedy! I love it. It's sort of loosely based on the odd couple. But, its not as genius and won't star genius, and will probably never actually be completed. We don't even have a name for it... Chick Magnets maybe... but that won't work. Maybe the "Unusually Couple" or.. "the couple that shouldn't get along" Heterosexual couple.

So here I am, in the computer lab, again. I had my first class at 10 until 12, but he let us out early. He seems like an amazing guy, I think i'm gonna like the class a lot, "media planning" is what its called. i can't wait to plan media. The professor also went to STONEHAM HIGH, thats exciting, I'll get an A. Not because he's from stoneham, but because I'll.. earn it.

My next class is at 2:3o. So, I have a huge break. Way fun. Then right after that I have a class at 4. So, I won't be getting home until a little after 7 on mondays and weds, if i don't have meetings. That might get a little annoying. Tomorrow, I have work from 9-5 and a class from 6-10 or 11 or something. That's going to be a long day, I'm gonna love thursdays. Fridays are pretty easy going, one class at 23o, which should be fine, except it's right in the middle of the day and doesn't allow me to get much done, like work a full day or anything. So, we'll see how that turns out. I might need a little rest though, after the long day on thursdays, I'm sure i'll have homework to do when I get back too.

OK, an hour and a half left until class.

All of my classes, except one which is in room w633, are in the same room (w644). The W doesn't stand for west, as one would assume. It stands for Walker, which is the name of the building, I'm sure you wanted to know that. I'm gonna hate that room I'm assuming, it's a computer lab however, so maybe it won't be too bad. I like that setting, it usaully means the class size is pretty small too, which I enjoy. The classes I'm taking are supposed to be sort of intense, i hear from some, so it shouldnt be an easy semester, I got my eyes on LA already.

Highlights from the day so far:

Me: How was your summer?!
Pretty girl: ahhh... summer?

professor stoneham: "Yea man, the tech guys are like the Gestapo."

homeless man: People think I'm rich.
me: Why's that?
homeless man: 'Cause I dress classy.

I had two splendid family dinners last nite, one with my family and one.. with someone else's :)

What else.. waste time.. waste time..

I'm gonna buy a piece of gym equipment.. the slam man, something i can punch. But i'm gonna wait until it gets warmer out, so I can do it outside. I would really like a slam woman though, at this point.

Anyway, ahhh.. thats about it.. yay.. school is here.
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