Oct 13, 2004 11:19
I am once again employed. I had a little meeting with the Mass Service Alliane today and they were able to free up some money so I can work there again. I'm pretty excited. I think I can work for up to $2,000 or something like that... which is pretty good. I'll probably work about 10 hours a week or so ( a full day on friday and a few hours in the mornings somewhere). I'll be making $10 an hour, the same as I did last year which is pretty good. I like working there, everyone is nice and its a comfortable place to work at. So, I'm happy. This elimantes my whole no class on friday thing. I ended up going to school every friday anyway so it's not a huge loss or anything. I'm sure I'll manage.
So, I have a lot on my plate this semester. I'm doing advertising for our school paper, I'm doing 'kidding around' which is great, I'm working, and I got some pretty tough classes this semester. 3 marketing classes and a upper level sociology class, which...I don't really like that much so far. I know this doesn't really seem like a whole lot, but my classes are really time consuming this semester. All of my classes are pretty much revolved around group projects, which is hard because I have so much other stuff to do. I don't have much time to meet... and I commute, so I can't just get somewhere in 10 min like everyone else. Also, it's really hard to plan a group meeting, because there's so many different group meetings I have to do every week. I basically have to revolve my schedule around 4 groups.. which is about 20 people. So, I don't like that.
But, I think I can handle it. Some of the stuff is fun. Well, not a real lot...mainly just Kidding Around and once I figure out how to do the newspaper correctly, I'm sure that will be fun. So.. basically just the school part is not fun. Too much group work.
I think I'm going to go to New Hampshire this weekend... anybody want to come?
I have to start exercising more.. or better or something. I went into the kitchen from my bedroom last nite..and I was out of breathe.. I think I walked too fast or something. I went to get food. I realized.. since I can't walk 15 feet without being tired.. maybe I shouldn't get any food. So, I didn't. But, this morning I had a sausage egg and cheese from Dunkin' Donuts. I just..nullifed that whole ordeal. Oh well, What's going on with you guys?