ohh sweet livejournal, i turn once more into your welcoming bosom in my time of need

Sep 06, 2007 02:17

school punched me in the face without any warning at all. i thought you were my friend, school. i thought i'd won you over; now it looks like all that work, all that self-abasement, all the time spent pretending to like the crappy CDs you played for me was in vain. you punched me in the face without any warning at all.

the state fair on labor day. bloody marys for breakfast. drunken, mostachioed boozetranauts crashing off bicycles into pavement, over and over. tremendous plastic soda cups full of vodka and black label. the scrambler. the ferris wheel. fried cheese curds out of steaming black garbage bins. techno power. booty dancing on the midway. yells of "let's get lewd!!!".

and then tuesday was slow-motion violence day. woke up bleary, shrieking back at an alarm clock that said 11:00 am - two hours past the start of my first shift at my new job. fumbled apologies to too-polite english professors over the phone.

so yeh, bad start to the week. it'll work out, though. this is gonna be a hard hard hard and probably very rewarding semeseter. barring termination on grounds of alcoholism/sociopathy/twitchy eyeballs, i'll be spending the year working as a writing consultant at the u of m writing center. more on this later.

anyway, tonight's horror is me staring glassy-eyed at my first assignment. it's for a class on writing consultancy, and i'm suppose to BLOG on the official writing center BLOg about the early life experiences that made me a reader and writer. BLOGgy Blogggy blog blog. for cash.

i don't know. this licor cafe is a big help though.
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