May 21, 2007 21:23
well, school was semi-shitty today. started off as a good day, got progressively worse, then ended on an okay note. tomorrow is our class party = waste of a day. and pretty much the rest of the week after that is going to be glorified babysitting. yay. public school is so lucky! they get out tuesday and only have to go to postplanning until friday (3 days). we get out friday and have to come back after the 3 day weekend and postplan for 4 days :P whatever. i'm so done. i just want this year to be OVER. and i know i'm overreacting b/c today was a shitty day. but man, do those days make you not want to go through it anymore. and now i'm stressing out for next year b/c i might have 27 kids in my class if they don't get more kids registered to split the class in half. yay again. maybe going to bed early and getting a good night's sleep will give me a different perspective on life tomorrow.
i guess not everything is that bad though. tomorrow is our 3 year anniversary :) and we have our trip to look forward to. i just hate days like this when i feel so crappy. i don't get like this very often, especially b/c i'm usually so optimistic. i think i'm just overtired. speaking of which, i should go get ready for bed. hope everyone else had a better day than i did. g'night!