My son is driving me crazy!

Aug 28, 2007 22:54

I am so confused as to what method of parenting and disapline I need to use with my son that it's scaring me half to death. Dane, I suspect is acting like a typical 14 yr. old. But we don't live in a typical household and he doesn't seem to understand that. I set house rules, and give him incentives for doing his chores...or I should say CHORE. I told him if he puts the dishes away after school everyday, I'll give him an allowance at the end of the week, but he never does them. I ask him to please stop making a mess everywhere he goes, or if he does make a mess to please clean it up and he refuses. I tried taking his things away from him when he's defiant and obnoxious, but he only takes my things. He also threatens to physically hurt me if I don't stop talking to him about it. He threatens to run away, destroy my things, says he'll call child protective services, etc...if I keep discussing the problems were having. I don't think he really means what he says, but I'm scared to call his bluff and stand up to him for fear that he will really do what he says he will. I've explained time and time again that I cannot do every chore in the house and that I really need his help so I can take a break now and then. I also told him that he lives here, he makes a mess here and therefore he needs to contribute to keeping our home clean. But he just doesn't care and tells me to go away. What bothers me on top of that is I'm currently attending TSS classes where they teach you how NOT to get excited and upset when kids push your buttons. We're not to critisize their short comings, insted we're to encourage their strengths, but tonight I found myself doing the complete opposite and not being able to control it with my own son. I fear I'm missing what's right in front of my face, and it's not doing him any good. Any advice from the Peanut Gallery? Thanks and love to you all. xoxo Char
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