i started to write a comment on radical notions about ryan's post and realized that it was a little too long. so i turned it into my own post. this post isn't directed at anyone, i just need to vent my feelings on my political stance and my personal feelings
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i REALLY enjoyed this post. im sick and tired of people posting political in like 1 sentence. you cant convey your argument in a few words. the only way to logically argue something is to do what you just did.
here are my thoughts:
"high taxes = bad. john kerry = high taxes."
of course nobody actually likes taxas, but the thing is george bush's economic plan is so flawed, no wonder we have such a struggling economy. he cuts taxes and he increased spending. you cant cut taxes unless you cut spending too.
sure george bush is a repub and theoretically he'll "cut" taxes but if he cuts taxes on those who make over $200,000 its not really benefitting you (im assuming you claimed independent on your W2 form) it may benefit your family (not sure if it does). sure john kerry will raise taxes as will george bush (he's gotta, he'll be a second term president, hes got nothing to lose.) but voting for john kerry would probably increase the chance of a middle-class tax cut. therefore benefitting you, me, christopher perini and david sarmento.
kerry, his liberal limousines and his high taxes
i know what you mean by saying that kerry is rich, but i think that the whole notion that he is a rich massachusettes liberal is too farfetched. sure he comes from a well-off family, but look on the other side. the bush family is a political/oiler dynasty. kerry may have been rich growing up but he didnt get FUCKING LOADED until he married into the Heinz family. bush was born into a dynasty. he was always the heir to the throne. and not to mention john edwards who was the first of his family to go to college
i know what i jsut commented was attemping to refute both of the negative aspects of kerry that you said, and i know hes not god, but no matter what i find that i dont like about kerry, im not voting any differently on tuesday
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