Sep 15, 2005 22:51
so i pretty much suck at french. like think of the worst french speaker in the WORLD and times that by a million and you'll get me. seriously its so embaressing. even if ingerham says something at asks me to repeat what she said right after her i can't do it correctly! and when i read something and then say it aloud i say it like it would be pronounced in norwegian. god. and the songs. we sing the alphebet and i start singing it in norwegian. not english even. norwegian. i dont even use norwegian very much. but its all i can speak when i try and speak french. the same thing happened in mexico. i would tell my mouth to say thank you in spanish and out would come "takk!"
it feels soooo good to be dancing again! i've felt like a big lazy blob the past couple weeks. i had almost 4 hours of classes tonight. and i'm super super sore. but it hurts so good!