Another meme, snagged from
daydreamer821. Don't worry, some graphics should be coming soon :).
1. Name:
2: Age:
3: What's one place you would visit given the chance and why?
4: What was the happiest day of your life so far?
5. What did you wanna be when you grew up, when you were five? Do you still want to be that?
6: What's your dream job?
7. Describe yourself in five words.
8. What was your first impession of me?
9. Do you still think that?
10. What would be one word you'd use to sum me up from what you know? (Nice can't be used xD)
11. Where do you live and do you plan to live there all your life?
12. If you could meet one celebrity, dead or alive, who would it be and why?
13. If you had a movie made about your life, what would you want it to be called?
14. Have you lived in the same house your entire life?
15. What's one wish you have for the future?