Name: Deborah
Age: 32
Location: NY
Hobbies/Interests: reading, writing, blogging, hanging out with friends, traveling, knitting, computers
1. If you were to attend Hogwarts, what would be your favourite classes and why? My favorite class would be History of Magic. I love learning about why things happened and use that information to see why things happen now. I have always loved history.
2. Without bashing any particular house, where do you feel like you least belong? Why? Actually I don't think there really is a house that I don't belong in because I think I have traits that can fit into each house. If I had to choose one it would be Ravenclaw because I can be pretty dumb sometimes. I am not always the smartest person or the snakiest. I am not always a quick thinker in fact I can be pretty slow at times.
3. Who are your favourite major and minor characters in the series? Why? My favorite major character is Luna. She thinks for herself and doesn’t let anyone dictate to her on how to act. She is herself and doesn’t try to act like anyone else. She is a great friend, she sticks by them and doesn’t let other people tell her who she can and can not be friends with. Ummm... my favorite minor character...honestly I am not too sure who is considered a minor character, to me everyone who is in the books has a reason to be there. I would pick Flour Declour, because she is brave after all She was a contestant in the Tri Wizard tournament. She loves Bill for who he is and doesn’t really care about his looks.
4. Which character do you most identify with and why? Ron Weasley, he is one of the youngest in his family. Gets hands me downs from his older brothers. When I was younger, my dad would buy a bunch of sneakers and as each one of us kids needed a pair we would pick for the shoes he bought. I would always get last pick and trust me some of the shoes I got weren't that great. His teachers always had expectations of him because of what his older brothers did. I would get that sometimes because of my brother. We went to the same elementary school and junior high. I am so sorry if I am rattling off in this question but I see so much of him in me and I can understand some of the things he had to go through because of his older brothers. I feel really sorry for Ginny because she is the youngest and the only girl of the Weasley clan.
5. What makes a person respectable in your eyes? That the person treats people with respect and don't treat others like they aren't people. They don't say one thing and do another. They aren't hypercritical of others. My friend Yogita is one of the people that I respect the most, it is because she cares about others, take people for what they are and she doesn’t try to change them. I respect her because she listens and she doesn’t judge me.
6. If you were an animagus, what would you transfigure into and why? A cat. Cats don't really care about others they do what they want to do. They are self efficient, they can clean themselves and you can leave them alone for awhile and not worry about them. Cats are also flexible and are able to jump from place to place.
7. You are looking at the Mirror of Erised. What do you see? I see me being happy at a job that I love. Unfortunately, I am not too sure what that job is right now though. :-/ Right now I am not too thrilled with my job and I really want to see myself happy doing something that I love.
8. You are faced with a boggart, what form does it take? A big flying cockroach. Growing up in New York I am used to seeing bugs and stuff but I never got used to seeing flying cockroaches and I had them and I am actually scared of them. I am not afraid of them biting me but I am afraid of them landing on me.
9. Give a quote from the books and explain why you picked it.
If you want to know what a man's like, take a good look at how he treats his inferiors, not his equals. ~J.K. Rowling, "Padfoot Returns," Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, 2000, spoken by the character Sirius Black
I feel that this quote is so true. The way you treat people show a lot of who you are. If someone if you’re equal you tend to treat them well because you want them to treat you good also and you can also later get a favor from them. Treating someone who is their inferior well shows how truly kind the person is. If a master treats his servants bad it shows that he doesn’t really care about the person's well being. He probably thinks, I am paying him, giving him a job, aren’t I good to him already? However if a master is kind to their servant it shows that he cares about them and that he is interested in their well being.
10. Speaking of quotes, what do you think of this one? "There is no good and evil in this world, only power and those too weak to seek it." -Quirrellmort. I think he is saying that everyone can get power, that power is available to everyone in one form or another. You just have to be strong and determined to get it.
11.If you could have a dinner party and invite any 3 other people, dead, alive, or fictional, who would they be and why?
I would invite:
- My mom who died a few years ago. I want to be able to see her and talk to her. Tell her what is going on in my life and also ask what things like in the after life are.
- President Obama, I want to talk to him about his plans for the presidency, tell him my issues and just basically see how he is dealing with being president and a father.
- Garth Brooks. I love his music and I always thought he was a great entertainer. I would like to ask him, if he was able to do everything over again, would he? Another thing I would love to ask him is what was that whole thing with his alter ego, Chris Gaines?
Of course I would ask Garth Brooks to give a little concert at the dinner party.
12. Which is thicker, friendship or blood? Blood, because no matter what happens your family is with you, even if you like it or not. Friends come and go but family stays. Well, that has been the case with me. I have had friends that came and went but my family has always been there for me through thick and then.
13. Would you ever use an Unforgivable Curse for any reason? Yes, if other people’s lives were at stake. I would use the unforgivable curse for as long as necessary to get people out of harms way.
14. Would you put your name in the Goblet of Fire for the Tri-Wizard Tournament? Why or why not? No, for the fact that I am a chicken. Also why should I risk my life for a tournament? My life is worth way more then that.
15.True or False: Rules are meant to be broken. Explain.
True and false. False because rules were made for a reason, to protect people and give people guidance on how to behave. Rules should be broken if the reason that they were made doesn’t exist anymore and if they go against someone's rights.
16. Anything else you'd like us to take into consideration? Yes, I think that flubberworms are excellent in a stew.
17. We often use AIM as a way to get together and chat about HP and the community. If you have an AIM screenname, please let us know here: Yes, my AIM screen name is depine1
18. How did you hear about us? If it was through a specific person's recommendation or through a post he/she made, please give the username of that person. In an ad in one of those promotion communities.