Jun 26, 2007 15:46
Welcome to a New Class here at Herbology!
In this class I hope to cover herbs from the world of Harry Potter, herbs from legends, herbs used through out history, and even herbs used to this day by herbologists. You will need your dragon hide gloves for when we re-pot the Fanged Geranium and other dangrous plants. Also bring your own pair of ear muffs if you do not wish to use the class ones.
I will try and post one assignment a week that I will consider "required" and then a extra assignment for students who what to go the extra bit. They will involve the same subject, usually, as the required assignment for the week. If there are things you think that we should cover please let me know. I'm always up for suggestions.
Now for the first assignment of the Term!
Lets get to know each other! Please tell me and your class the following.
Postions you hold, if any~
Other classes you are in~
What do what to cover this term~
Anything else?~
James ~ Gryffindor ~ DADA Professor/Herbology Professor
assignment #0