Jul 14, 2007 15:30

Lesson #5 Trolls

Date Assigned: 7-14-07 (Saturday)
Date Due: 7-21-07 (Saturday) That magical day!!!

Part I
Magical Creature Lesson
.:The Troll:.

Ah, who can forget the time Hermione was crying in the bathroom and Harry and Ron saved her

form the troll? As I reread the first book this past week I thought what a great subject!


There are three types of trolls: mountain, river and forest. The troll who was let in to the

bathroom at Hogwarts was a mountain troll.

Trolls are very large, and frumpy looking creatures. The mountain trolls stand up to 12

feet tall and have greyish skin, lumpy bodies, and horny feet. They also smell horrible.

Imagine all the worst smells from gym class plus not so pleasent smells of waste and


Trolls speak a language that consists of the rudimentary skills. Mainly, the communicate

with grunts and pointing. They can be taught some English.

Trolls can participate in the wizarding society and are not just dangerous monsters who

terrorize the halls of Hogwarts. They can be trained as security gaurds. It is suspected

that trolls hired by Hogwarts are not mountain trolls.

Trolls aren't magical beings and were hunted at one point in time.


Part II
(4 points each)

1. Describe a troll's appearance.
2. What is the MoM rating for a troll?
3. True/False: Harry and Ron took on a troll in their second year at Hogwarts?
4. Who let the troll into Hogwarts?
5. Name someone who has hired a troll.
6. True or False: Trolls speak fluent English well.
7. Are trolls magical?
8. What are the three types of trolls?

Review Question from last week: Describe Doxy.

Extra Credit (10 points) Write a 2-3 sentence report on trolls with information

outside of Harry Potter.

trolls, comc, harry potter, castlehogwarts

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