Jul 26, 2005 05:52

In the Movies

it's nothing like in the movies

they lie

when they're shot

they reach for

that gun and

just try to shoot back


in real life

there is no gun

and you're not thinking

about revenge

all you're thinking is

how to stop

that pain


you can't

because the gun

is so far away

and you're

so weak


they just


in the movies.

†     ----

†     It's my dad's birthday, and he just wanted to spend time with us so we watched movies together and played chess (which I beat him at - spectacularly, later, though.). One movie we watched was "Quiggley Down Under". It's a western, which I hate, but I guess it was OK. It had Snape in it, so how bad could it be, right? Anyway, have you ever noticed how in most movies, when someone is shot, they just try to shoot back? They don't try to save themselves, they just want revenge. But that's not human instinct... Humans want to perserve themselves, they're selfish. It's our nature. So, while that's nicely dramatic, it's not true. Never think it is. Oh! On the checkmate. :) I won without losing any pieces and same for my dad. I also put him in checkmate with one piece. It was so great! I guess you had to be there, but it was so awesome! :) That's the second time I've kicked his ass. The first being and JoJo and NorNor's house when my knight (which I had forgotten about) foiled my dad's escape plan. :)

†     Also, I just finished watching Sailor Moon R - the Movie (stop laughing, damnit. It's kidna good.) - which is subbed - and I noticed that a lot of words in Japanese are dangerously close to English. Then I realized that it's like that with a lot of languages. Part of human strife and pain and misunderstanding is just because we can't get past the different languages. They way speech is going, we may - eventually - reach a common language comprised of a motley of tongues. I wonder how much hate would be resolved if people just UNDERSTOOD what the other person was saying. Think about it, when you hear someone speak in Spanish, a certain image most likely appears in your head - good or bad - and you may, on some level, start thinking of that person as with those characteristics. What if that person spoke the EXACT same way you do? You would probably think of them as similar to you and therefore OK to be around. Interesting, no? Just a theory, but I believe it's highly probably.

†     Hey, if anyone REALLY wants to be my best friend, you'll find a "Lion King - Special Edition" DVD and give it to me within the next 24 hrs. I seem to have lost my tape (which is old and wearing out, anyway... I mean, I've watched it easily 42 times) and it looks like none of the video stores have it in a place they can find. I NEED TO SEE THAT DAMN MOVIE AGAIN! It was so freaking good....

†     Oooh! I just realized, Angel got back yesterday! OMG!!!! We are SO planning something! Yes! I'll wait until after I go pay tuition and crap at the school, then I'll call everyone. :) Yes! Well... everyone being Chris, Angel, and Lilly... But still! :D Hm.....

†     Ah, I stayed up all night on Sat, and went to sleep at 1 AM on Sun, I woke up at 4 PM on Mon. Why? Nightmares... I'm actually thinking I should keep a Dream LJ. :) Increase my capacity for remembering my dreams, and also to look for paterns and what not. Maybe. Anyway, in this dream, Nikki (my car) and I killed a man outside McDonalds (don't ask questions...). When I told my parents they just shrugged. Next thing I know, we're in Nikki again, except my Aunt (JoJo) and Uncle (NorNor) are in the car, too. NorNor's going on about Harry Potter and video games (how games destroy the mind) and everyone's in a good mood. Then we get to the resteraunt (a LoneStar or Outback kinda thing). Everyone in the resteraunt is rude and mean to us. I remember we're all sitting at a table and one waiter comes by and asks what we want to drink. I say that I can't decide and he replies with "you better hurry, i've got better things to do!" then walks away. A waitress comes and asks what we want to order and I'm just sitting there, not sure again. She glares at me and walks off. My family decides they don't like the table and move. We each take our own table. Then I'm telling JoJo how I hit that man - the rude waitress is listening nearby - and she asks how in the world I'm going to remember where that happened. It's like I lost my keys or something - not really important and easily forgotten... Then I say that it's OK, I won't forget because I planted a flower (like in SMR... O.o This is before I watched the movie, so shush) in the planter I killed him infront of and everytime I go to McDonalds (which I don't do) I'll remember what I did.

†     Then I woke up...

†     I have no clue what it means, or why, but it happened and I didn't sleep well. That's it.

†     ---Leah Bea
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