Here me again, beloved friends! There's a new batch of fresh icons full of my latest addictions, first of all How I met your mother! I've totally devoured it: I watched 1-2-3 seasons and I am waiting for the 4th one! It reminds me of Friends, one of the greatest shows ever! So, stop small talking and go with the icons!
01.28 : How I met your mother 29.49: Charmed 50.53: Rose McGowan 54.58: Pushing daisies 59.66: Juliet Burke (Lost) 67.75: Desperate Housewives 76.89: Twilight 90.93: Friends 94.126: Enchanted 127.129: Beauty and the beast 130.145: Digimon 146.150: Chuck 151.153: Misc.
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Credit is a must Comment is love Friending me is pure joy Hotlinking is a crime