Stages of the moon

May 02, 2008 21:54

Stages of the moon?...
Or the changing seasons?

I certainly hope on of the two is responsible for the strange dreams I've been having.

I think I'll go to staples tomorrow and a get a day planner so i can record these things and find out if theres some yearly correlation or if it's more a moon thing... or maybe i'm just nuts... or maybe it's dietary...

Anyway... lots of dreams about sex... but not necessarily in that cool kind of 'Wow that was an awesome sex dream' way.... more like 'huh? what the hell?' and 'what are you doing here??'

I think I shall not share these dreams with my lovely boyfriend. I think they would freak him out a little.

hmmm.. maybe I'll actually post an update... yeah. I think I will... but don't remember where I left this last... oh well.

Jay and I are adopting fish. I bought a big fish tank with the intention of getting fish and them a friend of ours said he's been looking for someone to adopt his fish. So we're going to adopt eddies fish. This is fish in the plural sense. I think he has three. He never named them so we can do that when we get them.

You might think it would be easy to set up a fish tank but... I've had this tank for a month and we have not yet set it up. See the problem isn't the tank... it's Jay's appartment. There's nowhere to put the tank. So we have spent the better part of this week strategizing where to set up the tank. we came to the conclusion that the only structure big enough and sturdy enough to supprt the tank is his coffee table... which acts as he desk. So he went looking for a new coffee table. He's kinda picky... but I think he may have finally found something that will work. So hopefully Eddies fish will be joining our little part of the world soon.

Ok well that's it for me tonight. I'm very tired from lots of massaging and many hours of working and not enough sleep... oh yeah and school is ending soon and i'm still behind on my massage hours..... must sleep so i can be well rested to give more massages tomorrow.

ta ta
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