band geek drama!

Apr 08, 2005 18:21

today i had to stay after school to practice my ensemble and all was going good. WE were better than the last time we attempted to play it...and we could almost play it all the way through. But then we got to this part where bily and chris play together while me and angga are resting and it sounded really really we figure out that billy can't play it very well...and i can't blame him because this piece is pretty hard...but so we try and get him to like play it slow with chris so he canwork out all the kinks so chris counts them off and he just sits there when he is sposed to they try again and he comes in too late and so we stop him. Then we try again and just him this time but he won't do it so chris and angga start getting kind of frustrating because it is a friday after school and we are stuck playing this stupid thing with four people trying to fit in this little bitty practice room comfortably and he won't play his part so it is like a waste of time. so they start presisting for billy to play....while all of this is going on i am just sitting there in my chair listening to it...haha...and then billy starts getting mad at this point so these three start fighting...well not really fighting but they are all trying to help billy with his part but billy doesn't want to play it soo nothing is happening...and at the very end of the practice angga is trying to look at everyone's part to see how it is sposed to sound and billy gets up and angga is like billy let me see your part..and billy goes move angga! So angga moves and lets him out while i am over there trying not to laugh because i laugh in high pressure situations and then chris goes can i use your cell phone chelsea and doesn't even care about what just now billy might be mad at us by us i mean chris and angga because i didn't do anything but he still might be mad at me....but oh well. So that was the drama in my day. The rest of the day was pretty good. We got to get out of second period to go listen to the author of fever 1793 and speak talk. She was CRAZY!! she started off by telling us that she has like 20 voices in her head and none of them are hers...yeah i know....and she said that when she told her first husband that that it was probably the begging of the end of their marriage. So yeah don't know what to think about her...but she was kind of funny. i really really really hate that i can't run track any more. UHG stupid stress fractures!!! why can't they just die!! but at least i still get to play soccer!!! and we have two games this weekend!! whoooohooo! we are going to kick some butt!! if i didn't get to play soccer i don't know what i would do.....
xoxoxo chelsea xoxoxo
P.S. my grandfather is here at my house and now i don't get to walk around in my panties!!! haha jk but it is kind of akeward to be alone after school with him because i don't know what to talk about but he is pretty cool. well talk to you guys later!
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