Apr 17, 2005 04:27
Well look who keeps crawling back, its me again folks, not big suprise here, ive been fucked out of like one months of internet time, and slill loving it, well everything couldnt be going better, Bre was explaining thy situation with about that one kid, and it makes me want to make him go through the same shit, but slower...and more painful, smack his little pee pee until it turns blue.
i havent ate but two bowls of Golden Grams, yes golden, i wouldnt settle for anything else, silver is too shiny, and platinum is too ghetto, we role with them 20 in the box yo! anyhoo. back to the story, so im hungry, i looked like a battered crack whore that got hit by a train that was carring fish and chips in the caboose, but then i got on web cam and let people see me without my face on, fuckers better give me something good for that!
finely went to SteakandCheese.com to see what that was about, and then i went to the comment/message board/ posty thingy and it was so funny just them aruging back and forth. oh i made a new screen name,yes i know i have a problum, atleast i admit it. remind me to put my away message up so you can see what is says, its funny, i almost pissed myself.
there is this evergoing mind fuck happening to whoops they are probably going to read this but i wont get too much into it, if you want to know more give me a call. but yeah. then i masturbated today, for some reason i feel that i dont give my right hand much credit, do i take it for granit? i dont know. if she found out she would kill me! its not purely sexual, although it likes to clean up any of my messes that my ass hole seems to have, you know with the toilet paper?
ive been chewing the same fucking piece of gum for like 8 hours straight and its already made my jaw hurt and now its progessing into a headache, and im going to sit her and let you let me let you let me bitch about it cause im too fucking lazy to open my mouth and give a nice blow of air to propel it out of my mouth, and when i mean it, im refering to the piece of 8 hour old gum that has already lost its flavor, wow i can go on about nothing for ever, and this is only been one day, huh and i still have to talk about Erica and then talking to Syd and how Mike is like freaking out about her.
on the other hand i made up a new word, its SEXFULISHNESS and its my word, its the hottness and the sex rolled into one, to become the bestestest word out there to describe such a thing, yes my elbow hurts, thanks for noticing, i could have told you that.
anyways onto Erica, i dont know what is her deal, see keeps wanting me to come over to her house and spend the night to see her bunnies and her rats and i just dont have time for that, then she still has her bitch over her tied to the fucking tree, im shocked that its still alive, not because we dont feed it or water it enough, just becasue if i was the dog and i just sat around and ate and then laid in the scorching sun all day, what i would do is get my feet into position and then run as fast as i could in the oppisite dirrection, that way i would strangle myself and die, well i would be hoping to break my neck or so but its still out there to that fucking tree, man ive got to say, that dog is a trooper, even though times are shitty, it still things things will get more exciting. well good for the dog. maybe ill open my bedroom window and call for it, i bet that will make its day.
oh wow you fuckers have alot to read
then about the Syd and Mike thing, he is like UBER OBCESSED with her and i think that, its cool and everything but like also creepy for her, but she loves being loved and who doenst? but dont be fooled, there are some people that will mindfuck you and minipluate you brain to make them feel better, but i say if your not going to see them in real life go for it, hey what the hell. oh and i hope you like reading this journal Bre, you said that i had to update it so im pouring all my thoughts and stiuations from my head into this fucking journal. and do me a favor, if you are reading this (this applys to everyone that reads this) leave me a fucking comment showing me that you took the time to read this, i dont even care if the reply message is "fuck off and die" just as long as i see who took the time.i drifted off topic, but Mike is like "i wouldnt hesitate to beat the persons ass that tried to go for my Syd" and im like oh and then he is making improvments onto "their relationship" thats good in all that he really really likes her but like wow, calm down there just alittle, i dont think Syd can breathe, and then there is people out there is like "what the fuck do you talk to Syd for??? blah blah blah blah blah" and to tell you the truth, i will get along with anybody just as long as they get along with me back. its a fucking circle. Syd is not the bitch or whatever that people make her out to be, well not from what i can tell, what else...
Bre cheated on me last night with Chrissie, that i was intresting, "i wish" was the theme of that little session, although i decided to exit the webcam window does not make me a monster, its the scabs and tissue on the outside and the childmolester wit on the inside.just kidding, its both, she said that i wish that they would fuck around and i would like well my wishes never come true, and then yeah. "its not the balls that make the man, its how you throw them" haha i dont know, dont ask me...
me and Chrissie talked on the phone about the Kayla hating Bre but then lately denying the whole thing and lying about it and then about how things were and then how her and her boytoy whatchamacallit is doing and if we had one power or special ability what it would be and why, i choose to know everything from the past, present, and future, not so i can play God, but so i could have an idea whats going to happen and what would happen if i changed on little event, i dont think that i would fuck with the future, one thing leads to another, in fact, if i was given a time machine i wouldnt use it i would destroy it, i figure if i sell it some one would go and alter my history so the events of my life would be different, everything happens for a reason and even the bad things are still good, it all comes out good in the end, like me started smoking when i was around 8 with my brother, although smoking is bad and i got asthma from it i still wouldnt go back and change those 5 months of smoking, i figure if i wouldnt have started then, then i wouldnt have seen how fucking stupid, pointless, and a waste of money they were, and i might have started smoking when i was in the 7th grade or so and wold have been addicted to them, even my mom getting married to my stepdad, Chuck Fuck, stupid ass hole mother fucker, but anyway if he wouldnt have came into our lives then things would have been way different, and it takes a disaster to make you apperacite how much you love it. and like what Chrissie wanted, World Peace....now if you think about that she would be over populating the world and then putting many out of jobs, you have to think, if there was peace, there would be now violence ,and without violence there would be no death, without death there would be an incomplete life cycle, and then she would be putting many out of business because of the alarm companies and like The Club, there would be no theft, there could be no reason for it, alot more people need to get their heads out of their asses (no offence to Chrissie) and think things like i do. you would see that you better appciate shit before you dont have it anymore.
and what the fuck is up with the lairs? they are so fucking stupid, all you do is fuck yourself over in the long run, its better to be straight foward and honest about shit then to hide it and then deny it, like if you did somehting i didnt like and you knew it, it would be better if you came up and told me or the person about it and not having them finding it out, or lying to cover it up, i wish i could cut of one finger for one lie that i heard, it would be so great. i would have like maybe 2 fingers, from my left hand, cause my left hand is not inportant so it would be like the fibs, it not quite a lie but its because you dont want to be totally honest with some one, like a mindfuck, you lead someone on and then you are kinda fibing to them about how you want them when in acutallity you have a very awesome girl named Bre and you didnt no mean anyword that you said, its a big climb up a hill leading to a HUGE DISAPPOINTMENT witch is great, cause they dont know you, they just know that you are like "omg" thinking that they are somthing great, i would NEVER do that to someone that i know from meeting them in person, thats just wrong. and not good, but if you start somthing and hten you tell them within awhile before they get pissed then you are in the clear.
Sadisco should be getting started, i dont know, we need a drummer and a guitarist, and if we could i would like for us to have a keyboardist in the mix too. that would be great, ive got the songs wrote down and shit , well what 4 1/2 right now, yes, to everyones amazment, im going to be the vocalist, and no, its not going to be like Super Emo Cool Original Joey's (he is a big kid now((ask and i will tell you))) singing, well should i say screaming , im is going to consist of partial screaming, and then singing and other shit like that, i need more people, Robyn is going to be the bassist, and i need to practice my singing abilities, yeah i know, and i even laugh at myself too...
this journal entry definatly takes the cake, and its the coolest cat in the bag.so that s my story, enjoy