Aug 31, 2010 10:58
This summer has been epic in it's lack of blog-able material. Oh don't get me wrong, stuff happened, just nothing I really wanted to blog about. The festivals were awesome and full of stories that you may get to hear someday...just not here, and not now. How's that for vague? So school started yesterday and I didn't have class, so I got to watch all the little freshies run around like scared little chipmunks looking for their classes and books. It was fun, lol. I also ran a ton of errands, like paying my rent and arguing with the BMV about appropriate documents to prove residency, that made me feel even more like a grown up and less like...well, a chipmunk freshie. Damn.
I've been arguing with Windows Media Player for about 2 weeks now and this morning I finally gave up and started the transition to iTunes. It's still a work in progress as my entire library has to be converted from .wma to .mp3 format, but I'm hoping for a more enjoyable media experience...and society tells me that iTunes delivers, though I still generally distrust all things Apple. We'll see, maybe this small change will alter my way of thinking about that particular evil monopoly.
This summer I worked 40 hour weeks, so my body got into this really nice pattern that, though thoroughly destroyed during the festivals, it has continually returned to. My new work schedule, starting tonight, includes me once again sitting at the Library Circulation Desk until 2am. In preparation, I stayed up till 1:30am this morning. Despite this, my body still decided that 9am was sleeping in, and so I've been awake for 2 hours when I have no where to be and nothing to do for another hour. Oh well, got some GameBoy and Computer time, lol!
This semester I'm taking Management of Library and Information Centers, Library Materials for School Aged Children, and Marketing the Library. I was supposed to be taking Reader's Advisory Services, but the class was cancelled due to low registration. It doesn't matter that I spent the summer reading all the uber boring novels on the reading, it's ok, I'm not bitter (LIES!). But it worked out now. Two of my classes are online (which I hate), but I've spent the last two days developing an elaborate organizational system that will (hopefully) keep me from forgetting assignments and generally losing my mind...we shall see.
Well, I should get moving at least a little bit. My friend Chelsea somehow coerced me into going to the gym with her this morning. I haven't been to the gym since...2004? Yeah. It's been a while. I don't see this being fun...but we'll see. Ciao!