I watched City Hunter last week
and well......
I'm completely in love with it....
so much...that I even dreamed about the father (Lee Jin Pyo)
OMG!!! I know lotsa people love the romance going on in the drama
but what I loved was the dad and his son...
OMG every time they were on screen together
I'd move forward (if that was even possible...I was sitting reallllllllly close to my laptop screen)
I love their interactions, and I just loved how the Yoon Sung still called him Father till the end.......
I cried real bad when he died....AAAHHHH AHHHH AAAAHHH!!!!!
Anyways...I saw a lotta City Hunter MV's made about Yoon Sung and Na Na...
So I wanted to make one with dad and son
So here it is:
Click to view
I would looooooove your comment on my video
and on the drama itself...
I don't have a lotta friends here with whom I can go crazy about
and say "You know I watched a kdrama...and OMG it was amazing!!"
Hehe...so looking forward to your comments ♥
Credit for lyrics is in the description box on youtube