Apr 21, 2005 00:37
For the past three or so years I have fallen in love with a great person. She makes my world wonderful and she isn't even here with me. I talk to her a lot, or I used to, and every time I learn something new about her I love her that much more. She got me to thinking lately about love and what that requires of us as individuals and especially as individuals with the goal of one day BEING together as a family. Even though it isn't possible, so it seems, with this girl, that impossibility has really made me question love altogether, at least love in a romantic sense. Now this entire time that I have been falling more and more in love with her I have been playfully dating and talking with other ladies, and even gotten semi-serious with a few, but when it came down to it, they just haven't been able to add up. Anyway, what does love reuire of us? I believe it requires one thing more than any other, sacrifice and a willingness to risk all comfort. It means being willing to let the world know about your love regardless of what the world might think. If you TRULY love someone, then that love is the most important thing in your life. IT would also mean that those that love you, if they TRULY love you, are willing to love you witrh no stipulations, no rules or requirements. It means that when you do something they do not approve of, they will seek to understand why you chose as you did, and they will reconcile any problems at ANY cost. I know this is a brief glimpse of this topic, but I have a feeling I will be posting more about it as the days progress. I want the girl I wrote this about to knwo that I love her very much and I will do anything to prove that. I know you won't do the same and that is what puzzles me. Makes me wonder about the difference between our definitions...