ethical dilemma to wake up by

Dec 08, 2007 11:19

So there I am, sleeping in bed on a lazy saturday morning, perchance to dream...

...and the dream involves Work. I'm working at a random company in a development group, along with R, someone I know, who is quite smart, but also unassuming and unassertive enough about it that it's not immediately obvious. We're all working on this difficult project/problem. We're in a meeting; R's reporting on her progress on her difficult corner of the problem (literally-- there's something geometric about it and she's got a corner that looks like, oh, Kendall Square), which is to say, not much. The italian stallion in the group (not modeled on anyone I know) comes back with some incredibly cutting childish remark that includes "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen". We all look around at each other for a second, rather surprised. R, of course completely offended, walks out of the meeting. The other woman there, also offended, also walks out. I mull this for a second, decide (in dream-land unconsciousness, of course) that supporting R and sending a message is more important than continuing the meeting, or what the boss (a random middle manager, plays no big part in this dream scene) thinks, walk out too. (I find myself in the hallway outside our company in my long underwear walking towards other people and deciding "I should go put some clothes on", so much for continuity.)

semi-rhetorically speaking, what would you do?

(I'm going to get breakfast.)
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