leaders of the not-coming-back's [1/20]

Jan 24, 2016 03:20

As part of the challenge for ficlets100, I have written 5/100 drabbles of CG shrouded in mystery and fantasy.

Ryan's lived with questions tucked in the back of his mind. He's learned to deal with it - well he thought he did. When the rich brat Aaron called out to him promising answers, he had expected the younger to tell him what went down between Stephanie and Connor the other night. Instead, the blonde was grinning at him from ear to ear, emerald eyes glinting like a mad man. For once, Ryan felt wary around the other.
  "I know what happened to your sisters."
  Ryan froze when the words he's been dying to hear slipped out of the blonde's mouth.

- Ryan & Aaron

Every day and every night Rachel volunteered at the pediatrician ward, mostly to drop by on her younger brother. She grew familiar to the staff and patients of the wards nearby. But there was one patient she saw everyday but knew nothing of. A pretty blonde girl bound to her bed by some reason the doctors have yet to discovered. Showing no signs of prominent abuse or injury, the blonde lay fast asleep for months on end, never to wake up. Each day, the only visitor she would have was a blonde boy Rachel recognized as the new guy, Aaron.

- Rachel centric with hinted Aaron/Stephanie. dream heirs canon.

Ryan and Emily were a notorious duo who could never keep themselves away from trouble. As the guy who's been trailing them for years, Officer Reagan found himself sitting in the interrogation room yet again across the red head for another crime that he knew she committed, but could never proof. They both knew this. She shot him a lazy smile through half lidded eyes, as he read her her rights. She stayed silent throughout the entire session, giving no answers. It always ended the same way, with her getting out on bail and him, nothing but a cold lead.

- outside pov. slight Emily centric

"Should you do it, or should I?" he whispered so gently in her ear, trailing the gun down to the hems of her dress. She tried to calm herself, tried to breathe out evenly, but it got harder once the tip was pressed against her inner thigh.
She woke up with a start, hand gripping the door handle and eyes instinctively darting everywhere. Her breathing very much uneven as she tried to recollect herself. As she tried to remind herself that right now she was in a car with Ryan, getting as far away from the monster as they could.

- Rachel centric. hinted Rachel/Ryan

"Go on blondie, tell me your story," Emily said, crushing the beer can easily with her fist. Usually, Aaron would have kept his mouth shut, but alcohol was in his system and he found himself answering, "Mum's a whore. Dad was her savior. I was the bastard child conceived in the backseat car. At least that's my Dad's version." He could feel her eyes boring into the side of his head. He waited for the pity, but then, she tilted her head and asked, "Should I apologize for your shit or are you happy with your life as it is?"

- Aaron & Emily

stephanie, rachel, third view, ficlets100, emily, mystery!au, ryan, rachel/ryan, part 1, aaron & emily, mafia!au, aaron, dream heirs verse

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