Oct 18, 2006 15:29
i realized today that i havent written in this thing since may 5th. i have been so busy, sometimes i forget to even eat, which if you know me, doesnt seem very realistic. so, in short, here's what's going on in my life:
1. summer was good. had a great time as a cadre. it really sucked to see karen and steph leave though. it was definitely hard on me, but steph was here for 3 weeks this summer and then i went to pensacola for labor day to see her. i havent gotten the chance to go see karen yet, but hopefully i will soon. or i can get cdr marcille to hook me up for the summer on her boat. we'll see. other than that the cadre thing was fun and i sure learned a lot.
2. i am the bravo guidon this semester, which has almost led to my death more than once and i am pretty sure that i have considered dropping out more in the last 2 months than i have in the last two years. but things have finally kind of settled and its more about maintaining the company now, not setting it up, which is a nice break.
3. i failed the PFE at the beginning of the year and had to get my knee looked at again because they thought i might have to have surgery again. thankfully i passed the PFE 4 weeks later after a ton of physical therapy and more than enough advil. the same day, i went to see my surgeon and found out that i have early-onset arthritis and a patella tracking problem. they cant do any kind of helpful surgery for it, so basically i have to stay really fit for the rest of my life to ensure that i dont have too much pain. i can still play softball and be in the coast guard and frankly, thats all that matters to me.
4. classes are pretty so-so. we just had midterms and i got a 2.73, so i will have to do pretty good on my papers for a few classes, but all will be good. i am not crazy concerned about it.
5. family is doing really good. mom and dad go golfing almost every weekend and workout together almost every week night. my little brother started college (eek!!) in chicago and he loves it and is doing great. he had his first play a few weekends ago and mom said that he did great.
6. career wise, i think i am going to fly. the more and more i think about it the more appealing that it becomes. i might go to a cutter first though. i cant go on the internship for flight this year because i dont have enough cutter-time but hopefully cdr will hook me up with a cutter that is near an air station. im am still not sure what to do with my life but i have like 16 months or so i think i'll be ok.
well that is really all i have time for right now....off to workout then homework followed by my usual 1-2 meetings an evening...ahhh living the dream....