
Apr 17, 2013 07:54

I've been working on a big release at work that lasts until the end of the month. The weekend after that, it's a possible convention to get some stuff for a podcast I've been doing with a friend for the last few months. There seems to be a lot of other stuff going on.

I'm working on my fourth novel; a friend is working on his first. This friend is someone I've been chatting about writing with and sharing stories for a decade or so. I pitched an idea: "We should do a writing retreat sometime...just a long weekend where we rent a house out away from it all and spend the weekend writing and chatting about writing. Maybe invite another writer or two along...maybe not."

I was thinking sometime in early October or even early November. My friend said, "Let's do it now!"

With the release at work, "now" just wasn't going to happen. That, and we have other things going on. mid May, before it begins getting too warm, it's off for a long weekend away from it all, totally dedicated to writing. With starting the podcast and a big release at work, I've really only piddled with writing, here and there. Cynthia is great about giving me time, but sometimes when there's a lot going on, those little bits of time that come along...sometimes you want to rest. It will be nice having this particular work project behind me and being able to get back to writing more than just here and there. I'm writing the kind of thing I was never sure I'd be able to pull off. There's still a lot of writing ahead, but so far -- things are looking good. A long weekend dedicated to writing sounds like a good way to get a second wind...


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